"You see, you must understand how difficult this is for me......to even be here talking to a complete stranger in a very busy Café so near the city."

The early afternoon sun was shining and rays of warmth and brightness streamed through the open bi-fold windows that formed part of the perimeter of the bustling Café. As she continued, Louise pulled down the sunglasses that were on top of her head and adjusted them back onto the bridge of her slightly turned up but delicate nose.

"Please don't think I'm being rude Bodie. I hate it when I am talking to someone who is wearing shades. Its rude and I like to see the eyes of whoever I am speaking to so please don't think.."

"As I do" he interrupted. "And given that after the long conversation we had last night, I need no convincing of the fact that you are a very intelligent, articulate and polite person so there's no need to apologise. You also arrived on time which is very important and on this note, I expect punctuality every time! You should note that failure to provide a substantial and valid reason as to why you are ever late will result in discipline being given."

Louise's lips were slightly parted and she may have even paused breathing as Bodies' strong, smooth voice pulsed into her senses. His authorative voice in person was even sexier than she had first thought on the phone. It was strangely exciting, almost mesmerizing and her nervousness in anticipation of meeting this handsome stranger was rapidly subsiding.

From the moment he asked could she remember the 'Instructions', an involuntary feeling of arousal had once again begun to increase as it did last night. She was wearing a fitted charcoal grey pant-suit with a slim-line pair of black lace knickers and a matching half-cup bra underneath her black camisole which had a hint of lace on the trim. Her beautifully conditioned, long blonde hair was tied in a tight, low ponytail and her racy red lipstick matched the colour on her exquisitely manicured nails. At this point she felt more vulnerable than ever before and she wished she could check herself in a mirror for unlikely reassurance that what she could feel was not visible to others. As she adjusted her toned and shapely bottom on the seat, just like last night on the phone, she realised that the wetness in her knickers was very real and she silently cursed and regretted not having chosen to wear plain cotton ones to better absorb and hide the arousal between her legs. She thought he hadn't noticed because at that moment Bodie mouthed the words 'five minutes' and raised his hand up and to show five fingers to an approaching waitress out of her line of sight. She took her sunglasses off, the need to 'hide' behind them diminished.

"Well judging by the look on your face, I'd say that you have read my instructions several times over and that you have been thinking about them constantly."

"Ye...yes, sorry Bodie, I was listening and umm, yes you are right. Gosh...that wasn't even difficult to admit! I'm so sorry Bodie, I don't want to disappoint you. Telling me about how many women write and say things that are either exaggerations or just pure fantasy through the site, I can completely understand why you are sometimes accused of being rude or arrogant or even mean! But like you said last night, men do the same and I have frequently told myself that it's all just too hard to find what I really want and need. It's just too much trouble and even more so for me."

"Yes, the whole 'trouble' aspect is definitely a factor to consider. Speaking of which, I think we should put aside my 'instructions' for a bit and discuss the 'trouble' you are referring to."

An embarrassed giggle escaped her enticing, full lips. "And how come you didn't say something before now?" she exclaimed, turning her head left and right, her face tilting upwards towards him, her lips now pouting.

He smiled once again and her pout became a grin and then a smile too.

"I did mention last night that my father is a member of the WA Parliament and my older brother Thomas is the Mayor of Fremantle. Can you imagine any sort of controversy and how it could be used against them both?"

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