Chapter 8: Wireless Access Troubleshooting and Diagnostics

Start from the beginning

"I'm fine, thank you," he replies from the couch, and it takes everything Felicity has not to agree with him. Instead, she goes and pours herself a glass of water, sipping on it as she returns to the living area. She sits it on the coffee table, only to find Oliver sitting in the exact same place the Vigilante had, only weeks prior. It strikes her as an odd contrast for a moment, but then she shakes her head.

"Do you mind if I let Saphira out? She's my dog, and she's been cooped up in the second bedroom all day." Something flickers across his expression, and she rushes on, "It's okay if dogs bother you. She can wait." But she probably can't—she can hear Saphira scratching at the door now that she knows Felicity is home.

"It's not a problem," he assures her with a lift of his mouth. "I'm intruding in your home, after all." It surprises her how gracious he is, then she goes down another hallway to the guest (or Saphira's) bedroom before he changes his mind.

Saphira stops to greet her before she rushes into the living area, with Felicity following close behind. The shiba practically jumps into Oliver's lap, wagging her tail like they're old friends. Oliver, mercifully, takes it all in stride, just stroking the dog in his lap gently. Then, tail still in motion, Saphira lets out an ear-piercing scream.

Oliver jumps at the same time as Felicity, and he immediately moves his hands away, looking at her in confusion. "I'm sorry, I don't know—"

Felicity cuts him off, shaking her head, equally bewildered. "It's okay—just a shiba scream. They tend to do it when they're upset, or, like now, when she's thrilled to see someone. She usually does that after I've spent some time with... family." She doesn't know how to explain it properly, so she just settles with the easy explanation; it's not exactly right, but it will work. "I don't know why she screamed at you, though. It's not like you've met before."

Oliver seems less concerned as he focuses his attention back on Saphira. "Maybe my laptop still smells like you," he offers, not looking at her now.

"Maybe," Felicity agrees, deciding to let the conversation slide as she plops down on the other side of him, picking up Saphira from his lap and placing her on the cushion on her right. "So, what's wrong with your computer?"

Oliver shrugs slightly. "I'm not sure," he admits. "I can't connect to the wi-fi at the house." He looks a little sheepish. "I didn't want to bother you because I don't understand computers, so I asked Thea." The name immediately brings to mind memories of Felicity's only encounter with the heiress, and she automatically smiles. "She couldn't fix it, either, so I guess I did have to bother you after all."

Felicity waves him off, taking the computer from the coffee table where he sat it. It starts up in seconds, and she turns it to Oliver once she sees the password entry screen. "I need your password, please," she offers, immediately turning her head the other direction.

He sounds amused when he responds, "Why? You built it—you could probably hack it, too." It's a funny tone in his voice; it sounds breathy like his almost-laugh, and Felicity finally understands the phrase "a smile in your voice."

"I probably could," she admits after a long moment, "but I like to use that as a last resort. Hacking is almost worse than home invasion. Hackers don't just walk away with your possessions—it's almost like they take or destroy your thoughts and ideas. That's the worst kind of theft." She thinks about the hacking she does for the Vigilante, and then she reminds herself that's different—she's not doing it because she can, but to help stop crime. She likes to think of it as picking up where the law leaves off; the cops can't or won't help, so somebody has to stop the criminals who keep their toes on the line separating legal and illegal.

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