The evening was setting in as the surroundings get dimmer. I stared out of the window and took a deep breath. I remember what he told me before he brought me home.

"You're going right?" "Yea, and you're taking me?" He nodded his head. "Thanks for giving me a chance." "It's no problem. I'm glad you're trying your best to be better." Once my home was starting to come into view he turned to me, "I'll pick you up around 5." "Alright." I give him a smile. We got to the doorstep of my house, before opening to door, he shouted to me, "I can't wait to see you!" Then he waved and walked away. My face was flushed scarlet. "Th-That was unexpected!"

My mom watched me shook my head and patted my face to stop myself from blushing again. "Mom..." "Yes, honey?" We both sat down on the couch. I squeezed on my yukata, "I don't know if I still like him... It's been messing with me for months now. I tried to be myself around him like I used to... but what if he left me again..." My mom rubbed my back as I sulk in silence. "Honey... it may be stressful, but the answer will come soon. Once you stop looking for the answer it just... well... magically pops up! Don't worry about that and just have fun." I fought the negativity and smiled. "Yea! Thanks, mom."

Soon the door opened, revealing my dad who is walking in, "A boy is waiting outside for you." He points with his thumb behind. "Oh, it's already 5?!" I jumped up and ran to the door, "Don't do anything romantic." "I won't!" I scoffed and quickly grabbed my wooden sandals and bag. "Make sure to have fun and be safe." My dad kissed me on the head, followed by a pat. "Don't worry, I will." "Have fun!" My parents said together. "Thanks, mom, thanks, dad!" I hopped down the steps of my house and jogged to Kazuki. My parents watched from the door together as their little daughter almost trips on the boy. They giggled and close the door, but soon peeped outside the window.

"Sorry, Shimada! Did I make you wait too long?" He chuckled, "Don't worry about it. Catch your breath." I sighed and start calming down. Then I looked up at him. He was wearing his casual clothing, watching me. He then smiled, "You look pretty." "Oh!" I stood up straight again and rubbed my neck, "Th-th-thanks." I stammered out with a blush and awkward smile. "Let's go then." We both started walking down the sidewalk. The place is getting darker. It was quiet as crickets starts singing to fill it. I fiddle with my yukata's sleeve as I took a glimpse of him every once in a while. "I want to take you to this place after the festival. Will that be okay?" "Uh, sure, what place is it?" I looked over at him, "That's a secret." He smiles. I pouted and then broke into a smile, "I'm excited then."

We got to the bright, color festival. Kids were laughing and chatting. Many food carts and tents were open along with some games for the kids to play. Dragon dancers danced around with crowds of people gather around it. Lanterns were lit up everywhere as music played throughout the festival. Kazuki watched as my eyes lit up with joy. A big, open smile spread across my face. He enjoyed it. That's what he told me.

"Want to get some dango?" "Yes!" He chuckles as walked to the food cart. "I can pa-" "Don't worry about money." He interrupted, already paying the man. He brought down sweetly covered dangos and handed one to me. "T-Thanks..." We walked out of line, eating our steamed food. "What now?" "Let's go play some games." I nodded my head as we walked towards a booth with many children gathering around it. There were prizes and stuff animals surrounding it. "What prize do you want?" Kazuki asked me. "Oh, um..." I gasped, "That!" I pointed at the stuff (f/a). "Alright then, he handed me his food and walked up to the table. "How do we get that?" He asked the lady to accompany the game. "Shoot 3 bottles down. You only get 5 tries. That will be $5 dollars." He handed her the money in exchange for the fake rifle.

He shot one bottle down, missed the next, shot another one down, and then missed the next. I was amazed. "One more..." He breathes out. "Come on Shimada, you can do it!" I cheered him on. Bam! Another one down. "Wow, congrats!" The lady clapped her hand and handed him the stuff (f/a). "Usually, everyone misses." She told us
"Here." "For me?" "You said you wanted it, didn't you?" "Oh... I guess... I did." I gave him back his dango. "Thanks, Shimada, you're amazing." His cheeks bushed a bit, making me realize what I said. "Oh, I mean...! Sorry! Did I weirded you out?" He shook his head, "Let's just go." He grabbed my hand, continuing walking down the festival streets.

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