Chapter 4: Initial Computer Setup

Comenzar desde el principio

She's saved from answering by a lilting British accent as Walter Steele comes into the room.  "Allow me to make introductions," he offers politely.  "Miss Smoak, this is my stepdaughter, Thea Queen.  Thea, this is Felicity Smoak.  She's a computer technician in our IT department at Queen Consolidated."  Turning back to Felicity he asks, "I trust Oliver came to you about a custom computer system?"

Felicity nods.  "Yes, Mr. Steele—thank you for the recommendation, by the way.  That's actually why I'm here—I finished it, and he asked me to deliver it to him."  She pats the briefcase next to her.  "I just need to make sure it meets expectations."

Walter nods, doing one of those little half-smiles.  "I trust that it will," he says with sincerity, before clasping his hands together.  "I'm afraid I'm needed at the office, but I'll see you both later."  He kisses Thea on the cheek before continuing, "Always a pleasure, Miss Smoak."

"Nice to see you again, too, Mr. Steele," she responds cordially.  He leaves quickly, and Felicity finds herself alone in the room with Thea again.

This time, Thea appraises her for a moment before saying, "I'm sorry.  I acted like a bitch, and you're just trying to do something nice for my brother."  She sighs.  "It's just that most women that spend time with my brother are out for themselves, so I tend to jump to conclusions."  Quietly, she adds, "He's been through a lot."

Felicity thinks about that for a moment, murmuring her forgiveness.  Oliver has been through a lot, and that's putting it mildly; God only knows what he faced on that island for the past five years.  She remembers again how difficult it was for him to even sign his name, and she thinks that his re-integration into society is going to be horribly difficult.  No wonder he has been away from the paparazzi and the public eye.  On top of that, she realizes that the Oliver Queen she met was not the same one who made tabloid covers; he was nice to her, and looked incredibly apologetic for the thing with Sara Lance.  Maybe it's going to be even harder for him to integrate back into his family—because the Oliver Queen who left on that boat is clearly not the same one in her office a few weeks ago.

Before any further conversation can develop, Oliver walks in, his eyes narrowing when he sees Thea sitting across from Felicity.  "Hey, Thea?" he asks, and she tilts her ead toward him.  "I think Mom was looking for you.  Why don't you see what she wants?"

Thea's eyes narrow at the obvious dismissal, but she rises from the seat.  "Nice to meet you, Felicity," she says before heading out of the room.

Silence stretches out between her and Oliver, and she feels the need to fill it.  "Mr. Queen," she starts, but then she remembers he doesn't like being called that.  She winces before continuing, "Sorry.  Oliver, I have your laptop ready to go.  I think it meets all of your specifications, but I'd like you to make sure."

He nods briefly.  "Since some of the requirements are a little... sensitive, let's go up to my room."  He suggests it as though he's asking her into the dining room for lunch—casual, impersonal, and completely devoid of any emotion.

She hesitates.  "Are you sure that's okay?  Because, I mean, I don't want to give the wrong impression to everyone and—"

He cuts her off, smiling slightly.  "Felicity," he says in a tone that says so much in one single word.  Stepping closer, he continues, "It's better not to do this in the open."

She realizes the logic of his statement and relents, sighing.  "Fine," she says tiredly.  She curses herself for being such a sucker for a pretty face; he's nothing but exhausting, and she doesn't know how anyone tolerates him on a daily basis, much less lives with him.

He leads her up the elaborate staircase and down a series of winding halls she will never be able to find her way out of.  "Are you sure this doesn't eventually lead to the city of Omashu?" she blurts, and then realizes Oliver probably won't have a clue what she's talking about.

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