Chapter 29

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 Melting Snow

Naruto caught up to Sakura at the park. She was sitting on the grass, with her head in her knees.

"Go away. I'm not in the mood to talk right now" she sobbed.

He took a seat by her. "You don't need to talk, just listen."

Sakura slowly looked over at her teammate.

"I may not know what's going on here, but what I do know is that Sasuke truly loves you. And I know how you feel about him too. A wise woman once told me, 'when a girl falls in love and it's true love, her feelings don't change so easily. Honestly, they can't change'. Now, as a married man, I know that it works for guys in the same way. I may not have realized it when we were younger, but looking back on it, whether he realized it or not, a part of Sasuke loved you then too."

Sakura dried her tears. "I-I know Naruto. I know how he feels, it's not that. It's my parents..."

Naruto backtracked, confused. "Um, what?" Then something clicked and he nodded. "Oh, I see! You're worried about how they'd react about Sasuke leaving the village, being a rogue ninja, trying to kill you..."

Sakura gave him a warning look.

"You're right, I shouldn't rehash the past" he smiled awkwardly. "Well, all that aside I don't think you have to worry. Sasuke's back at your place right now. He said there was something he had to do."

"What?!" Sakura demanded. What was that baka thinking? "Why didn't you mention that sooner, shannaro!" she shook Naruto's collar.

"Sakura, what's wrong?!" he cried. Why did he always end up making Sakura mad?

She left Naruto in the park and ran through the streets, back towards her house. She prayed she wasn't too late. Why would Sasuke do that? Why would he go so far? It was annoying how noble he was sometimes, almost to a fault. Plus, she could guess what her parents' reactions might be to him showing up on their doorstep. She shook her head; she couldn't get hung up on the details. Even so, she thought to herself, please let me get there before he leaves for good.

She ran up the stairs to her parents' apartment, hauled off her shoes, and swung open the door in a flurry. "Mom, Dad, you can't-"

She stood frozen in the doorway staring at the strangest sight. Sasuke was on the ground with his head pressed against the floor, bowing to her parents. Her father and mother stood, trying to contain their laughter.

"Um...what?!" Sakura exclaimed, recovering. What the hell was going on?! Did she get sent to another dimension or something? She never thought she'd see the day when Sasuke bowed to anyone.

He turned his head at the sound of her voice and flew into a seated position, pretending as though nothing happened.

Her parents burst into laughter, unable to contain themselves anymore.

"S-Sakura?" Sasuke gasped, blushing madly.

Sakura looked between him and her parents. "Would someone tell me what the hell is going on?!"

"S-Sorry Sweetheart" her mother laughed. "Your father and I were just getting to know young S-Sasuke here". She took a deep breath, recomposing herself.

Her father was still laughing. "I told you he'd do anything if we asked" he cackled, pointing at Sasuke who looked like he was ready to die of embarrassment.

"That's enough dear, we've had our fun for now," her mother said more seriously. She turned to Sakura and Sasuke and took a deep breath. "Your father and I have talked things over. Although we still can't say we're thrilled about your relationship yet. We've all agreed to put the past behind us and focus on the future instead."

"R-Really?" Sakura gasped. She never expected they'd be able to move forward so easily. What exactly did Sasuke say to them? She wondered.

Her father took a deep breath and calmed himself down too. He put on his best, and most embarrassing protective dad face. "That said, if you do anything to hurt our little girl again, we're taking her back. Understand, kid?!"

"Daaad" Sakura rolled her eyes. He was so embarrassing sometimes. "Haven't I told you before, we're not little kids anymore."

He laughed. "I know, I know, but still you'll always be our adorable little Sakura" he crooned.

"Ugh" Sakura gave him a look. Sasuke must be ready to keel over. He might even run out the door, never to return at this rate. Glancing over at him though, she was shocked to see that he was smiling!

Her mother nodded and smiled at Sasuke who simply nodded back.

Sakura was totally lost with this whole situation. "S-Sasuke?"

"I'll be going now," he said, standing. He looked down at Sakura and gave her a soft smile, making her blush madly. He reached forward and poked her forehead. "See you later, Sakura."

She watched as he left, and her parents exchanged knowing glances. What on earth just happened?

The ReturnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora