Chapter 64

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Sasuke watched as Sakura cradled their daughter in her arms lovingly. Sarada was still so tiny due to her prematurity. She could practically fit in the palm of his hand. Still, at least she was healthy. Sakura, almost overprotectively, checked her vitals and status on their journey back to the Leaf. He hated to admit it, but Karin's warning about her future eyesight hit him hard as well. He grew more and more concerned that she'd go blind at a young age or activate her Sharingan over the smallest thing. In particular, he was worried about what would happen to her after he left. Would she be alright, growing up without him by her side? The very thought felt like torture. He didn't want to leave his baby girl, his legacy, not for a single moment.

"Sasuke?" his wife, paused and turned to him.

"Hn?" He didn't realize he'd been zoning out all this time. They were nearing the edge of the Hidden Sound. The Valley of the End was just ahead of them.

Sakura sighed and bit her lip. "Once we cross through the valley, we'll be in the Land of Fire again." She looked up slightly, her eyes darting away from him nervously.

"What's wrong?"

"Well...I...I mean" she stammered. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Aren't you worried too? We're parents now. And besides that, our journey is coming to an end. I don't want to put any extra pressure on you, but this child, she really is the legacy of the Uchiha, right? I just...well...once you leave...will I be able to..." she stopped, turning away from him.

He sighed. He knew this conversation was coming. Walking towards the edge of the valley, where the cliffs gave way to a set of ruins, he paused. A gentle breeze blew cherry blossom petals their way. He looked up towards the bright spring sunshine and smiled slightly. He felt more confident than ever that his future lay in his wife and daughter's hands. He looked back towards his wife with a gentle expression of love and care.

Sakura felt her heart beat faster as he looked back at her serenely. "S-Sasuke?"

He stepped back towards her and pulled his new family into the bright sunlight. He tilted Sakura's face up towards himself. "There's no one else I'd trust more with the future of our clan."

"Our?" the word hung on Sakura's lips like a kiss, warm and comforting, connecting them both together.

He smirked slightly and kissed her forehead tenderly before ruffling his daughter's short black hair. "Let's go home" he smiled.

Together, they headed back through the Valley of the End, pausing to remember the moment they finally connected, so long ago.

"Sarada, this is the place where your papa finally stopped being a baka" she snickered.

"Hey, cut it out with the 'papa' stuff, and I wasn't that bad."

Sakura raised an eyebrow, as if to say, seriously? He sulked and turned away from her gaze.

Laughing slightly, she put her arm around her husband, teasingly. "Not that bad, eh?"

"Shut up" he groaned.

"As for the 'papa' stuff, you were the one who said it back at the Northern Hideout," she smirked.

He rolled his eyes. "And now I deeply regret it."

"Aww, don't be like that. She's still a baby after all. It's normal for a child to call their parents papa and mama at first, right?"

He looked over her way, cautiously, and caught her soft gaze. How could he say no to that? Besides, he remembered his own relationship with his parents too. He used to call his parents mama and papa when he was a toddler, but quickly grew out of it once his father became stricter and favored Itachi over him. In those days, he wished he could have a warmer relationship with them. He wished he could have spent so much more time with them, just being a kid. He wanted that, more than anything for his daughter too. She should have the chance to be a child for as long as possible, even when he wasn't around. He exhaled sharply. "Do whatever you want."

Sakura smiled slightly in understanding. She knew the idea of being a parent couldn't be easy for her husband, especially considering his troubled past. She was lucky enough to have two loving parents who were still alive and well. Growing up in the Leaf, she wanted her child to have the same care and compassion she received.

"Sakura?" Sasuke stopped as they crossed over into The Land of Fire.

"What is it?" Sakura asked, turning back towards him.

He looked at Sarada, stirring slightly in her arms. "Do you you think I can really be this child's father?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean" he cringed. Why was this so difficult? He sighed slightly, trying to relax. "I mean, do you think I'll make a good father? I'm going to be away from Sarada for so long, and I've done so many terrible things. Do you think she'll be alright, even with all of that history?"

Sakura closed her eyes, then looked back towards her husband. His expression was filled with concern. Despite everything they'd been through, he was still only human. She smiled and leaned Sarada's cheek against his palm. "Of course, you'll be fine, Sasuke. The fact that you're worrying over her well-being in the first place, says a lot."

Remind him of us if he ever begins to doubt himself. She remembered those words from her dream about the Uchiha clan. Placing her other hand against his cheek, she looked up into his dark eyes...eyes that had seen so much hurt and hatred. "Sasuke, all you need to do is be the kind of father you needed back when you were younger. What is it you wanted as a child?"

"Sakura" he gazed into her bright green eyes, shimmering with hope and determination. His daughter's own dark eyes looked up at him, filled with innocence and wonder. He took a step forwards. Itachi, father, and mother, he thought. Thank you. It's clear to me now, more than ever, that all I need to do is pave the way for this child's future regardless of where I am. So long as our hearts are connected, we'll never truly be apart.

There now, that's my boy.

When we're alone, the only one he talks about is you.

Sorry, Sasuke, maybe next time.

No matter what, I will love you always.

The voices of his family played out in his memory, fondly. He smiled gently, as his wife caught up to him with their child looking innocently up at him. Sarada and Sakura were his new purpose and reason to keep going in this life. So long as they were home, waiting for his safe return, he had nothing to fear.

Sakura glanced at her husband as he grinned widely and happily next to them. "Sasuke?"

"What can I say" he chuckled. "I just love you both so much."

She blushed madly, but smiled even so as they headed towards the gates of the Leaf. They were finally returning home.

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