Chapter 24

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Sasuke jumped back as Black Zetsu launched his attack, aiming for his Rinnegan. His left eye was still weakened from the poison, but he reactivated his Mangekyou Sharingan without issue. Blood trickled down from his eye as he summoned forth his Susanoo. It wasn't as powerful as before, but he still managed to bring forth a skeletal figure emanating chakra.

"Sasuke, back us up! I'm going to summon Kurama's full strength!" Naruto called. The nine-tailed fox emerged and separated from Naruto, shining in a familiar bright yellow chakra. "Go Kurama!"

Sasuke kept his distance, aiming a flaming black arrow at Black Zetsu. One shot is all it would take. He waited for an opening and then... "Inferno Style: Amaterasu!" he called.

Kurama leaped out of the way as the arrow pierced through the enemy.

"Hey, be careful! Didn't I tell you to back me up! Don't be so reckless!" Naruto yelled.

"You're one to talk! There was no time! We need to wrap this up so we can help Sakura and Tsunade! If they fall, it's all over."

"I know, but we have bigger problems to deal with right now!" Naruto dodged as Black Zetsu tried to reach him.

Kakashi emerged on the scene in a flash. "So, this is the leader of the Akai Hebi eh? I didn't think we'd be seeing you again, Black Zetsu" he narrowed his eyes.


"Naruto, what's our status?"

"I sent my clones and gathered all of our comrades. They should be arriving shortly to help us."

"Right. In that case, we'll work together to take him down. I've already sounded the alarm and prepared protections around the village. The evacuation is underway. The ANBU will back us up as needed."

Naruto and Sasuke nodded.

"Now, Lightning Blade!" Kakashi called, charging forwards with his students right behind him. Their attacks landed with extreme precision however, Black Zetsu's ability to transport himself and merge with nature got in the way. They also knew that one touch was all it would take to be taken over and manipulated by his power. They needed to strategize and think of a way to seal him away for good.

Three figures flew through the air and landed nearby on the Hokage Tower.

"Shikamaru, Ino, Choji!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Sorry for the delay. We'll provide backup from here on out. Kakashi Sensei, you can stand back for now. Your presence is essential in the village and we can't afford to lose you." Shikamaru glanced at the enemy, already strategizing and forming a solution to their current dilemma.

"As Hokage, my duty isn't to sit back and watch as you fight" he commented. "No, I'll stand with the others, as much as I possibly can, even without the Sharingan."


"Shikamaru" Kakashi stopped him. "You didn't think I just forgot all of the Jutsu I copied, did you?" Kakashi took a step forward.

Weaving signs as fast as humanly possible, he summoned forth a barrage of attacks from different chakra natures. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu! Water Style: Water Bomb Jutsu! Earth Style: Mud Wall Jutsu!"

"So fast!" Ino commented.

"Amazing" Choji gasped.

Without missing a beat, Naruto and Sasuke jumped into the fray. They combined their attacks into a single blow. The aftermath caused a bright light and explosion to erupt on the Hokage Tower and the surrounding area.

Kakashi sighed, at least they evacuated targeted areas first, so he knew the civilians would be safe. Still, if Naruto and Sasuke kept launching attacks like that, they'd be in trouble.

A voice cackled and Black Zetsu emerged on top of the stone faces. "Backup from the Hokage eh? Looks like I'll have to stop playing around then. Sho, Oni, come forth!" He raised his hands.

Two more figures in black cloaks approached. One jumped down in front of them while the other remained next to Black Zetsu, who merged his body with his.

"Sho? So, I simply killed another of your illusions," Sasuke commented nonchalantly.

"Who is this guy?" Shikamaru asked, preparing his Shadow Possession Technique.

"An enemy I faced previously. He's another member of the Akai Hebi and with his poison, he shows illusions of the things we fear the most. The worst part is that the poison is impossible to detect and can even make you fight your own comrades. Stay alert" Sasuke informed them.

They prepared to attack.


Sakura and Tsunade focused their chakra, tending to the wounded as an explosion erupted from the Hokage Tower. Katsuyu treated citizens right and left. Thankfully, it seemed the evacuation was going smoothly but there was so much damage even so.

"Lady Tsunade, Sakura!" a soft voice called.

"Hinata!" Sakura said, looking ahead.

"Team 8 is at your service" Kiba smirked with Akamaru and Shino at his side.

"We'll protect you," Shino said quietly.

Kiba sniffed the air. "Fang over Fang!" He called. He and Akamaru twisted, aiming for the space behind the Leaf hospital. It seemed that the enemy finally caught up to them.

"There's no time to explain. Hinata, head into the hospital and go help Shizune and Karin. I think they've figured out a solution to the poison, but they'll need your help." Sakura explained.

"Right!" Hinata nodded and raced towards the double doors.

Shino and his bugs went after Kiba and the enemy behind them.

Sakura took a deep breath. She needed to focus her chakra and keep her mind focused on the task at hand.

Three figures emerged in front of them. "Lady Tsunade, Sakura Haruno, we're here to protect you" the Anbu nodded, encircling them.

"Thank you, we're counting on you" Tsunade indicated.

Sakura opened her eyes. They'd connected with everyone in the village. She blushed a little as a piece of her chakra made its way to Sasuke via Lady Katsuyu. It felt as though they were fighting together. She wouldn't let him down. She'd fight to the bitter end!


Rock Lee fought hard against the acrobatic Akai Hebi member. Their movements were so fast and much more graceful than his. It was hard to keep track of their presence.

In the meantime, Tenten launched a series of attacks at the metal poison user who could seemingly manipulate it in a liquid form at will.

They were evenly matched and with Sasuke's teammates now out of commission, they'd have to fight for the sake of the village instead.

Lee thought about what Gai Sensei would say. He'd probably tell him something inspirational like, go forward with the power of youth! That's when it hit him. "Tenten!" he called. "Remember Gai Sensei's words to us!"

"What do you mean?!" She called back, desperately avoiding attacks.

Neji, please make us stronger, Lee prayed. Stronger than we were yesterday!

Tenten paused as she glanced over at him. She gave him a bittersweet smile of understanding.

They took a deep breath and faced their enemy together, being pushed forwards by their comrade. They wouldn't let Team Gai's hopes and dreams fade. They'd do Neji and their sensei proud.

They charged forwards, putting their training and experience to good use. Tenten summoned forth the Bashosen fan and all of its elemental power. Lee then opened the sixth inner gate and sprung forwards into action.

They had the enemy on the run for a while until a voice spoke in their minds and they froze in their places.

Now begins the end of the shinobi world. Let the power of chakra drain from you until you are no more.

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