Chapter Three: "Who's Link?"

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(Zeldas P.O.V)
Weeks after Link had injured the thugs Zelda finds herself back in the castle.


  The moon rose illuminating the room, raised voices coming from the other side of the door.

   "She has been missing lessons to go riding, I dont appreciate her walking out while i'm talking!" I snickered. It was Craig who was speaking.

   "I can't stop her from leaving the castle. She is a free spirit, besides all her life she has had to prepare to become Queen. Leaving her be." A gravely voice answered back almost automatically. That was my father. At least he understood.

  "Is that all Craig?" The king questioned. Smirking, I strode away.

  Sneaking past the guard, I opened my bedroom door and closed it. The satisfying click of the door made me smile. I leaped onto the bed, sinking into it. In three weeks I would turn 16. My sigh echoed around the room. Closing my eyes I tried to sleep, but I couldn't.

   Link still lingered in my mind. The thugs body's scattered around him. The sad look in his eyes as I ran away. He had scared me, and I didn't feel comfortable around him. I had promised that the castle would be his new home, but I couldn't bring myself to look for him.

   My eyes snapped open as I hear my door creak open.

  "Princess? Are you alright?" A voice whispered to me. It was Crimson, a servant but also my best friend.

  "Yes, but please come in Crimson." The door clicked closed and Crimson walked over. Her hair was red, which would explain her name, and her eyes were dark brown. Her smile seemed to make the room brighter. Crimson sat near the window looking out at the moon.

   "Have you met someone you liked on one of your journeys out of the castle? Im wondering because you have been zoning out lately, and you have been writing the name 'Link' down hundreds of times on pieces of paper.So who's Link?" She murmured quietly. Nothing gets by her. I laughed a little.

  "Yea. Link is a-" I paused, thinking. "Hes a friend." I answered. Crimson's eyes lit up. I knew what she was going to ask next.

   "Is he cute?" She asked excitedly. I nodded and we both laughed.

   "I want to meet this Link so I can tell him that if he treats you bad he'll answer to me." Crimson said after she had composed herself.

   "Well if he comes to the castle then, sure you can meet him." I told her. We spoke all through the night about random things, but in my mind I wondered what would happen if Link showed up at the castle. Hopefully nothing too bad.....


(Link's P.O.V)

12 hours later....

  My Sheikah clothes were stuffed in a sack, which was thrown over my left shoulder. I was dressed as a soldier. It was my job to protect the king and the princess from all harm. I was stationed in the throne room where I could easily observe the king.

   I still had my red contacts in, but once I got to the barracks they came out and were put away. The sack was pushed under my bunk, but I wasn't going to be sleeping. I hurried to the throne room and took up my position which had a fairly good view of the door and the king. I knew it was going to be a very long day.

   Nothing happened for most of the day, except when the king got the grand idea to give the Princess a bodyguard. News had spread of kidnappings of women and the king wanted Princess Zelda to feel safe. We had to show off our skills in combat and tell the king our name. When it was my turn I stood before the king and bowed.

  "I'm Link, your majesty." I turned and my sword flashed out of the scabbard. I front-flipped over my opponent and easily disarmed them with a flick of my sword. The king clapped loudly.

  "Well done Link. I think I've found the one who will protect my daughter. You will report to her right away." I nodded, no emotions showed as I walked away but on the inside I was cursing myself. Zelda would recognize me.

  Striding towards the Princesses room I sulked. As I stood I front of Zeldas door I took all my emotions and bottled them up inside. Knocking on the door, I called to the Princess.

  "Princess, I am your new bodyguard. I will stand out here or in your room if you choose." There was some giggling from behind the door and a red haired girl answered the door.

   "Who might you be?" She said smirking. My eyes narrowed a fraction, and the girl noticed.

   Before she could say anything I spoke. "My name is of no concern to you. It is only for a select few meaning the king. Now where does the Princess wish for me to stay? Out here or in there?" I told her sternly. A frown formed on the girls face.

  "Let him in. I'll order him to tell me his name." A voice said, coming from behind the red haired girl. Huffing she got out of the way. Walking into the bedroom, I noticed the bed had a canopy above it, and the room had drawings of Hyrule across the walls.

  The Princess sat on the bed staring at me. "Whats your name, Soldier?" She asked, her voice like silk.

  "Since you ordered me I must tell you. My name is Link, your new bodyguard. If I may assist you in anyway possible please let me know." I answered. Zeldas smile melted. I knew she would recognize my name. My heart sank as she stammered my name out.

   "L-Link? W-wait but you're a Sheikah! You can't be here!" She cried. I gave her a confused look.

  "I am sorry, Princess but you must have met another Link. I have lived in Castle town for most of my life." I lied, a wave of sadness washing over me.

   "Link, you know you can't be here." Zelda hissed. With that I turned and walked out of the room shutting the door. I stood guard over it until Zelda wanted to go through Castle town. I never let her out of my sight because now it was my job. When we returned to the castle, Zelda ate, excused herself and we both walked back to her room.

  I opened the door and she swept inside. Before I could close the door though,  she grabbed me and pulled me inside. She closed the door.

  "Link, I know its you. Why are you here." She asked walking over to me. I flinched as she hugged me.

  "I wanted to start over but if it is your wish I will leave." I stated. Tears glistened in Zeldas eyes. Suddenly all my anger at myself dissapeared. I wrapped my arms around her.

  "I'll just be outside the door. If you need anything let me know." I mumbled heading towards the door.

   "Actually I would like it if you would stay with me." Zeldas voice replied. I nodded showing I understood her. "Yes Princess, I will stay with you." I stood near the doorway where I could keep an eye on both the door and the window. My gaze rested on Zeldas sleeping form. She was so peaceful, and I wouldnt let anyone hurt her.....

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