Authors note

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Ahem. The whole meeting Zelda in Castle town was not mine. I must give credit to PikaGirl260 for giving me the idea from her very own LoZ book. Thanks PikaGirl260 you gave me ideas on how to get Link and Zelda to meet. Hmm... well, lets see.... Oh! That last chapter felt really good to write. Last thing-  All the people who will be reading this Never give up on love. I've learned the right person is waiting for you somewhere. My girlfriend Silverstream825 has always been there for me and i have always been there for her. So when you think you will never find the person who will love you forever and always don't give up hope. That person might be the closest friend, or the furthest enemy.~ LegendsofLink (Random quote of the day-" Darkness cannot drive out Darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out Hate: only Love can do that."- Martin Luther King Junior ((people say im wise beyond my years. Mabye I am, but never stop believing in love or yourself.~LegendsofLink))

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