Chapter Two- "Don't mess with me!"

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  As quietly as I could I slipped into the village and climbed through the window of my house. Seems like Sapphira isn't here. Thank god, she would have scolded me something bad. I thought to myself. Suddenly my girlfriend Sapphira burst in with a scowl on her face.

  "Link im going to kill you. YOU KNOW YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO LEAVE THE VILLAGE!" She screamed in my face. I sighed and fur over hoping she would leave. She didn't.

  "Look at me! Where did you go?! And did anyone see you?!" Sapphira asked me as turned back to face her.

  "Look, I went to Castle town.  Someone saw me, they recognized me as a Sheikah, and then she said she knew who I was. Im sick of the lies, Tell me who I am Sapphira. Everyone knows who my parents were. All except me. Whats so bad about me knowing about my parents?!" I said in her face.

  She stopped and looked down. "Your father, he was a Hylian, but your mother was a Sheikah. You were named after him. Look, he was mysterious and all of Hyrule was looking for him. They referred to him as the "Hero of Twilight." But other than that I know nothing." Sapphira answered finally.

  I shook my head trying to take it all in. I stopped, something Sapphira had said stood out to me. "The Hero of Twilight." I gasped with suprise when I realized that the man I had saved that girl from had said something about the Hero of Twilight as well as the girl.

   "I have to go... theres something about my life that doesn't make sense. And Sapphira, I dont think i'll be coming back for a very long time." I said quietly grabbing all my knives slipping them into sheaths that were hidden by my bandages. Sapphiras eyes grew wide as she realized what I was saying.

   "No, you aren't breaking up with me are you? Just so you can go find out more about your family you will leave your girlfriend? !" She said trying to keep the crack in her voice from showing, tears forming in her eyes.

  "Yes, besides you and I really weren't a good couple. Were 15 and you have this whole sense we will get married. I dont need that kind of stress in my life. I'm sorry, but have a good life." I said quietly walking away from her and out into the Night.

Several weeks later.....

(Zeldas P.O.V)

   It had been several weeks since I had met the Sheikah named Link. His image was seared into my mind. His dirty blonde hair pushed out of his face,  his deep blue eyes that were like the deepest darkest ocean covered by those red contacts... thats all I thought about as I went through my lessons that day.

  "Zelda! Princess Zelda?! Pay attention! You must know this before you become Queen." My teacher, Who was also a guard, named Craig said. I sighed with frustration.

  "I want to go out and walk through Hyrule field, not study some stupid Hylian war, legend, etc. Its very boring." I said matter of factly watching as his expression went from furious to beet red with anger.

  "Must I remind you," Craig said gritting his teeth, "that this will help you when you are Queen." I rolled my eyes, stood, and walked out. I quickly ran to the stables. I was in my riding gear already, due to the fact that I had been riding earlier that day. When I got to Kakariko village I would make it look like I was a Sheikah so that I wohld not stand out.

  I rode hard and fast to Kakariko village, where I made myself look like a Sheikah. It was my usual appearance if I wanted to get away from the castle. I went by the name Shiek, of course I never expected to run into Link.

   As I walked near the bar I heard someone yelling in the back of the bar. I sauntered in and my draw dropped as I saw Link arguing with the bar tender.

  "You can't drink, your only 15, kid!" The bar tender yelled in Links face. My hands clenched for some unknown reason as the bar tender shoved Link away towards the door and right into me.

  "Hey! Watch it!" I muttered steadying Link. "Bar tender, you cant push a Sheikah around!" I said walking towards the man. I pulled a dagger out and pinned his shirt to the counter top.

   "You never mess with the Sheikah." I hiss violently at him. Fear lingers in his eyes as I take the dagger and walk away grabbing Link and making him follow. After we had gone a far enough distance I turned and hugged him. "Link it's me, the girl you saved." I said still hugging him.

   "Wait your a Sheikah? I've never seen you before until I saved you." He said staring at me with a confused look on his face.

  "No im the Princess of Hyrule, im Zelda. Im just trying to get away from my life as a Princess." I murmured looking into his eyes trying to tell if he believed me.

   "Your the- Pfft. Dont make me laugh!" He said laughing. I turned and sighed.

   "Fine, but I did just stop that man." I said angrily. Links eyes softened. His hand rests on my shoulder.

  "Look at me," I turn and look him straight in the eye, "I had a....I guess you could say a falling out with a close friend. I shouldn't have taken that anger out on you. His hair blows across his face covering his eyes. My anger immediately melts away as I move the hair out of his face.

   "So, what brings you to Kakariko village Link?" I ask as we sit down near a dead tree which is by a small lake of water. His eyes lose focus and he doesn't answer.

   "I'm trying to find out who I really am." He finally murmurs. Looking down I feel a little bad for him.

   "Mabye I could help." I say after a while.


(Links P.O.V)

  Zeldas comment shook me out of a deep thought. "What?"

  "You know....come with you, and help you with your journey on finding who you really are. Oh do you have a place to stay?" I shook my head as she says it.

  "No, I kinda live on the streets right now." I state feeling a little embarrassed. Zelda's eyes light up with an idea. I look at her questionably. Smiling she stands and offers me her hand.

  "You can live with me at Hyrule Castle. It wont be a problem." My jaw drops with suprise. I had only ever had Sapphira there for me. But now Zelda was here to help me. I notice how Zelda is waiting for me to respond.

  "Oh, uh, yea. Sure, as long as the king and queen are fine with it." I answered feeling relieved that I didnt have to sleep outside again.

  Zeldas face light up. Her smile makes her look like a goddess. Wait, shes the Princess I cant fall for her. I mentally scolded myself. As I stand a group of men walk over surrounding Zelda. Immediately my anger skyrockets.

  "Well, your a right beauty, you are." A thug said running his hands through Zeldas hair.

  "Dont touch her shes mine!" Another thug snapped.

  "Dont touch her!" I snap. All the thugs heads turn and look at me. One smiles a crooked black smile. He steps towards me grabbing at me. He was the one stroking Zeldas hair. "Don't mess with me." I said warning him.My blood was boiling, only barely was my anger under control. Suddenly I just lost it. Two daggers materialized in my hands slashing and hacking. I didnt kill just seriously wound. Zelda looked horrified. I dropped the daggers realizing what I had done.

  "I-I...Zelda..." I called after her as she ran away probably afraid of me. Great. You screwed up big, Link, I said scolding myself mentally, now Zelda is afraid of you.  No place to stay and no friends, you really screwed your life up this time. I wanted to curse a long String of profanities but I was too miserable. Sighing I slumped against the tree and leaned my head against the wood.

  I gazed at the stars, watching the sun dissapear and the moon rise. Now all I needed was Zelda, but that was another thing not gonna happen in my life. I closed my eyes and slept....


AUTHORS NOTE~alright, this was a good chapter. I did it in like three hours. If its not good just tell me in the comments ill try to make it better. I get into being Link, so if Zeldas P.O.V wasn't great then im sorry. I hope you all are enjoying it so far.~ LegendsofLink

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