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We're just gonna ignore the fact it took me nearly a month to publish this...

And y'all are either going to be super soft at the end of the chapter...

Or planning to murder me...


"Maybe... We should spend the night together. Like old times." Hoseok hummed.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "What's going on that you aren't telling me?" He asked poking at Hoseok's side.

"No... Why would you say that?" Hoseok questioned.

"Because you've been acting existential all day," Yoongi told which got a raised eyebrow from Hoseok. "I'm serious. Is something going on? Are you worried about college applications or something?"

Hoseok shrugged. "I suppose. I'm worried about the future."

"Why? You'll do great things. You're an amazing dancer Seok-ah." Yoongi praised as he laid back in the grass. 

"What about our future?" Hoseok questioned without much thought. Slightly panicking as he didn't get a response from Yoongi. "I mean like... You know... Uhh... We plan to go to separate colleges."

"Oh yeah... That." Yoongi quietly murmured. "I'm not sure... We've been friends for over ten years. I'm sure we would stay friends even if we go to different colleges."

"The future feels... So far away. I'm stuck here. How will I ever progress? And then when I do, time flies by me. But it feels so strange to be thinking of the future while I'm stuck here in the present." Hoseok told letting his thoughts spill from his mouth. The sun already slowly nearing the horizon.

Yoongi sat up as he stretched his arms behind his head. Reaching forward to caress Hoseok's cheek. "Are you okay?"

Hoseok smiled as he placed a hand over Yoongi's. "I am."

"I don't believe you," Yoongi said with a frown. "Seok-ah what's going on?

"I'm not sure you'd believe me if I told you," Hoseok said finally cracking a smile.

"Why wouldn't I believe you?" Yoongi questioned.

Hoseok simply laughed as he fell back against the grass. "It's really crazy. Life is so crazy. Don't you think? The concept of time... April tenth seems like a year ago, April 12th feels like it's never going to come. It's just the eleventh..."

"Maybe that's okay." Yoongi hummed laying down in his previous spot, about a foot away from Hoseok.

Hoseok felt Yoongi's fingers briefly brush against his own before the older hand retreated. Must have been a mistake...

Yoongi cleared his throat. "But even if tomorrow seems far... I think we can appreciate today. It's a nice day outside. It feels like nothing could go wrong."

"I can think a lot of things that could go wrong today. Like... death." Hoseok sighed.

Yoongi shrugged as he looked over at Hoseok. "See I told you you're being existential." He hummed. "Besides we all die eventually. Did I ever tell you I wanted to be a rock in my next life?"

Hoseok let out a laugh as he rolled around in the grass. "Yeah, you tell me all the time. Oh damn, I failed my exam? Wouldn't happen if I was a rock. My parents got in another fight? Rocks don't have parents!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "It's true though! Rocks don't have problems!"

"What would you do as a rock?"


"Absolutely nothing?"

"Yeah, nothing that's the point." Yoongi chirped.

Hoseok checked the time. 7:19. Still around five hours left. "If I were a rock I'd want to be a beach rock."

Yoongi rolled to his side so he could look at Hoseok. "Why is that?"

"Because then seawater would crash against me, and I'd get to see pretty sea glass. And maybe I'd get swept away and I'd tumble across the ocean floor until landing on a different beach. Maybe I'd see crabs and people's lost items. Maybe a child would pick me up and take me home. Cherish me for a while before skipping me on a river. And I'd see fish and new life. Before returning to the ocean and starting the process over again." Hoseok told.

He watched the last sliver of sunlight slip away over the horizon. The dim glow of the moon now above their heads. Stars danced and speckled the night sky. Twinkling lights making up constellations. Glimmering in the distance, so far away.

Why was everything so far away?

Yoongi shifted so he could lay perpendicular to Hoseok, his head resting on the youngers stomach. "That's really beautiful you know. I guess me being a rock doesn't have any sentimental meaning. But I guess it feels, easier. Without any worries or fears..."

"Do you even have any fears?" Hoseok questioned with a chuckle.

"Of course I have fears. I have a lot of fears. That's what I write a lot of my music about. My hopes and dreams. Perceptions of reality. Things that mean something to me. I want to spread a message with my music. Heal people. Let them know they are never alone. And that people understand them. And get their worries. Understand their anxieties." Yoongi hummed as he absentmindedly traced circles on Hoseok's arm.

"And you call me sentimental?" Hoseok questioned. Yoongi chuckled at that. The older pulling his jacket closer to him, the cool breezy night air hitting his face and dusting his nose red.

The pair continued to talk for hours. Hoseok would never get tired of listening to Yoongi. And vise versa, Yoongi could never get tired of listening to Hoseok.

No one could deny they had something.

Something special a lot of people spend decades searching for and crafting. Accumulating skills for just to barely reach half of what could be.

It was almost midnight...

So close. Hoseok thought. Just another moment. That's all I need.

"Yoongi..." Hoseok muttered. "If you knew you were going to die what would you do? What would you do in the last... twelve hours of your existence?"

"I would probably do something people would expect. Like, get a tattoo. But I would also do something..." Yoongi paused. "That I've been wanting to do for years..."

Hoseok met Yoongi's eyes. Closing his eyes as he pressed his lips against Yoongi's, not letting Yoongi continue with his words. Feeling how wonderful they were. Just as soft as he dreamed.

Time almost seemed to freeze and halt for a moment. Just a mere moment. A fraction of a second where Hoseok didn't feel the constant reminder that his time in the day was dwindling.

Only the feeling didn't last long. As he opened his eyes and was met with his bedroom ceiling once more.


So how ya feel? :D

I love you my lemon drop bunnies. -3- 

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