Chapter 11: The wheel breaks the Butterfly

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**A/N: I need to preface this by saying this chapter takes place in May, Chapter 10 took place in mid-April... this is about a month later.**


"What do you want for your birthday?" Daphne asks me as she paws through a rack of lace bras.

"Ugh, I haven't even thought about it, Daph. It's like a week away." I say inspecting a nude underwire bra.

"You only turn 22 once." Daph says rubbing her 6 month pregnant belly, "Plus you're in Austin, you're about to be an Aunt... I didn't drive all the way up here to have you tell me 'I haven't even thought about it.'." She says in a mocking tone. "And, I know you didn't ask me to come up here... I wanted to come up here."

"Honestly? It's just nice having you here." I say hanging the bra back on the rack. "And I'd like to be off my period by the time my birthday comes around."

"Get knocked-up."

"Very funny."


I push the covers off my body half expecting to see Chase curled up next to me, but the spot where he typically sleeps is empty. I check the video baby-monitor and find him sleeping in his bed with both plush sharks on either side of him. I grab my phone and the monitor, walk out of the bedroom and make my way downstairs quietly. Part of me, wants to see my sister sitting at the bar with a cup of coffee, a blueberry muffin and bouquet of pink carnations and peonies waiting for me; but when I get down to the kitchen all I see is my half-full water bottle and laptop, right where I left them... 3 hours ago.

No Daphne.

No Billie.

Just me.

In the kitchen.


At 5am.

I take a deep breath as a wave of nausea hits me like a semi and lean against the counter waiting for the wave to subside. I run my hand through my hair as the feeling subsides but not completely, I grab the bottle of water and down the rest of the room temperature water. I sigh and rub my face as I look at my phone as it vibrates.

Aunt Sherri: Happy Birthday Honey! Me and Uncle Frank love you very, very much!

I smile as I look at the text message from my aunt who has taken on the roll as my second mother since my own mother died.

"Hi mommy!" Chase exclaims as he pads into my room holding a plush shark under each of his tiny arms.

"Hi baby shark." I smile as he climbs onto the bed to take his usual seat next to me to watch Sunday morning TV while I check weekend emails and make a weekly to-do list. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yeah!" He says plopping down next to me setting the sharks next to him so they can easily see the TV.

"Good." I say turning the TV on to Disney Channel, and watch his eye glaze over as he stares at the bright colors.

I'm not sure how long I've been looking through emails when my phone buzzes, but its been long enough that Chase has fallen back asleep against the pillows, and it seems like I've been reading the same email for at least 8 hours. I grab my phone without looking to see who it is. "Hello?"

"Happy Birthday." Billie says, I can hear the grin on her face. "Do you feel old yet?"

"Yeah every morning, thanks." I say rolling my eyes as I shut my laptop gently as to not wake Chase up.

I hear her snicker, "I sent you a gift the other day..." she says trailing off. "actually, I had Claudia send it."

"You didn't need or have to send me anything, Bil." I say rubbing my face as I reach for my luke-warm coffee.

"Shush. I wanted to. Look, I gotta go to soundcheck, but I'll call you later tonight, ok?"


"Bye love." She says quickly before hanging up.


"You're sure you lost it while we at Hangout Fest?" I ask Jade as she inspects her wrist while we're walking to the SUVs from the hotel.

"Yeah." She says visibly upset grasping her right wrist where the thin, silver chain that belonged to her mother used to be.

"I can replace it."

"It's fine, Eilish...really" she says crawling into the SUV after me. But, I know it's not fine and she's not fine.

"I know what I want to get Jade for her birthday," I say walking into the kitchen almost tripping over Peaches... AGAIN.

"Her birthday is like a month away." Fin says swallowing a mouth full of blueberry bagel.

"Stop it." Claudia says shooting him a look. "What'd you have in mind, Bil?"

"When we were at Hangout Fest 2 years ago, oddly enough on her birthday... haha." I say rolling my eyes. "She lost this tiny silver bracelet that used to belong to her mom. I want to buy her a new one."

"Shouldn't you let her boyfriend buy her jewelry?" Fin asks.

"Shut up. I wanna replace the bracelet she lost while she was with me."

"You're sure you have the bracelet?" I ask Claudia as I pull a brush through my damp hair.

"Yes, it's in my carry-on jewelry bag, in the box." Claudia sighs.

"And the card?"

"The card is in my purse, Bil. I packed everything. Don't worry."

"Do you think she'll like the bracelet?" It's not exactly like the one that belonged to her mom, but it's similar. Maybe Fin was right, maybe I should have let Jackson get her jewelry for her birthday.

"I think she'll love it because you put fucking thought behind the gift, Bil." Claudia says trying to reassure me, I hear her sigh like she's thinking. "Let me ask you something. And you have to answer honestly."

"What?" Great now I'm nervous.

"Are you still in love with Jade?"

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