Chapter 27: you were easy on the eyes

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"Can you come see me and mommy?" Chase asks while clutching his shark to his chest. His cheeks are slightly pink from running around earlier in the day.

"I don't know baby; your mommy isn't feeling very well." I say as he pokes out his lower lip.

"But you promised."

"I did and I'll come see you as soon as your mommy feels better, okay?"

"Okay..." He says hanging his head slightly, I can tell he's not happy with my answer, but accepts it.

"I'll even bring you a present." I say hoping to make him smile.

"Okay." He's still not happy, but I can see him try to conceal a small grin.

"So, what happens if she tries to come into the apartment?" I ask my lawyer, Dennis as I look over the restraining order.

"Well, you call the police and tell them Dakota is in violation of the restraining order and they'll intervene." Dennis says as leans forward in his chair.

"And, if I'm in a public place?"

"Even if she comes within 20 feet of you, regardless of your location; call the police."

I sigh and look over the restraining order again. I had Drew and Zoe help me move my stuff out of the shared apartment and into Fin and Claudia's house while I look into real estate. "Okay." I feel like I'm signing my life away again.

"Don't worry Miss Eilish we'll make sure Dakota doesn't violate the restraining order." I look at Dennis as he looks over at Sully and Laura who are hovering by the door.

I nod as I stand up and make my way to the door while Laura hands me my phone and Sully opens the door for us.

"I'm glad you filed the restraining order." Laura says as we slide into the SUV.

"She didn't really leave me a choice." I sigh looking out the window. Her making the decision to post those private photos caused Jade to wind up in the hospital and forced me to deactivate my own social media accounts.

"Danny wants to know if you're still going to press charges." Laura says looking at her phone.

"I don't know." I shrug. "Maybe this is the cost of fame... an invasion of my privacy."

"It wasn't just your privacy, Billie."

"She nearly cost me my career."

"But, she didn't. Your album is still number one. You're still a Grammy winner, VMA Winner, an Oscar nominee, among other accolades." I sigh as Laura almost scolds me. "What it did do is almost cost Jade her career."

I know Laura is right. "I know." I sigh. "Maybe I should try to talk to Jade again. Is she still in the hospital?"

"Finneas said she came home 2 days ago, and she's on bed-rest."

"Okay. I'll fly out tomorrow. Give Claudia and Fin a break."

"Do you really think that's a good idea?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"


"Jade?" I hear Claudia ask as she knocks on the bedroom door gently before poking her head in. "You have a visitor."

"Okay." I say sitting up more against the headboard setting my laptop aside.

"Hi, Jade." Jackson says walking into the bedroom slowly, holding a small bouquet of pink carnations. Part of me was secretly hoping the visitor was Billie.

"What are you doing here?" I ask sitting up straight.

"I saw the Instagram pictures and..."


"I wanted to see if you were okay." He says sitting next to my legs gently as he set the flowers down.

"I guess?" I shrug, smoothing my hand over my belly to soothe a small kick.

"I'm sorry I accused you of cheating." He sighs, his green eyes meeting mine. His once shaggy brown hair is now buzzed close to his head.

"It's fine." I shake my head.

"No, I should have heard you out. When I heard the name 'Billy' I didn't realize it was that Billie."

"Having a fling with Billie Eilish isn't something I'm going to disclose right away, but I appreciate your apology."

"How...?" He asks pointing to my belly.

"Far along, am I?" I ask finishing his question.


"Just over 6 months."

"What is it?"

"A girl."

"So, I really am going to be a father?"

"Mommy?" Chase asks as he playfully makes the toy shark dive nose first into the tub full of lavender scented bubbles.

"Yes baby?" I ask picking small pieces of lint off his hooded towel.

"When is Billie going to come visit?"

"I don't know." I say in all honesty. In truth I haven't really been in touch with her, and I haven't spoken much to Finneas even though he's been wonderful with Chase and has answered every loaded question Chase fires at him; he's also super patient with him I'm assuming that comes along with having Billie as a baby sister.

"But, she promised." He sounds so disappointed.

"I know she did baby." I sigh. "Maybe we can call her tonight?" I suggest.


"Okay, let's finish your bath so we can call her." I say standing up slowly to help Chase out of the tub and wrap his towel around him.

"Are you having fun with Finneas?" I hear Billie ask Chase. He's been holding the phone up talking to Billie for a solid hour, I swear he likes her more than he likes me right now.

"Yeah." He chimes. "He took me to see sharks and tigers and giraffes." I hear Billie chuckle at Chase's enthusiasm. "Billie?"

"Yeah baby?"

"Did you know Finneas sings?"

"Yeah." She laughs "I did. He sings with me sometimes."



I see Chase look back at me then at the phone again. "Can you come see me and mommy soon?"

"Chase!" I whisper yell, tapping his barefoot.

"Please?" He begs pulling his feet up.

"I think I should talk to your mommy before I come see you." She says trying to reason with a toddler.

"Okay." Chase says handing me the phone as if to say 'Talk to her. Now.'

I sigh taking the phone from his hand, I look like shit run over twice. Thank you, son.

"Hi." I say trying to covertly fix my hair and t-shirt while simultaneously hiding the fact I'm blushing.

"You look beautiful." She says taking note of my almost frazzled state.

"Thank you." I sigh. "The blonde suits you."

"Yeah?" She smiles fluffing her now, blonde shoulder length hair.

"Yeah. I like it."

"I needed a change."

"Is that so?" I cock my head to side eyeing the vase of carnation on my bedside table.

"Mhm." She smirks trying to conceal her dimples which somehow seem more prominent now. "So about coming to visit." She says in all seriousness.

"About coming to visit.."

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