Chapter 23: Still the Victim

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"Have you even been to bed?" Claudia asks walking into the kitchen.

"I slept a few hours." I say pushing my hair off my face looking up from my laptop. "She likes to kick so between her late-night dance parties and Chase star fishing across my bed, I haven't slept much."

"Is she moving now?"


"Can I?" Claudia asks smiling.

"Yeah." I say as Claudia places her hand on my belly.


"She's really active tonight."

"Have you thought of a name?" Claudia asks taking a seat in the empty barstool next to me.

"I have." I sigh.

"You still thinking about naming her after your sister?"

"Yeah..." I say stifling a yawn.

"I think she'd like that... listen, thank you for letting me come down."

"Of course. Sorry this whole photo scandal is causing issues with you and Finneas."

I hear Claudia sigh as she rolls her eyes and taps her manicured, deep nude-colored nails against the granite bar. "I know he has Billie's best interest at heart, but for both of them to lay the blame on you... because Danny said..."

"It's fine, Clauds, like I told Billie Danny is contractually obligated to tell her what she wants to hear. And, if she wants to hear I posted those photos, so be it. I didn't post those photos; you know I didn't post them. I think she knows I didn't post them." I sigh.

"I think Dakota posted them."

"Beg your pardon?"

"Mommy?" Chase asks swallowing a mouthful of scrambled eggs.

"Yes baby?"

"Can we name my sister 'Shark'?"

I look over at Claudia as she struggles to swallow her coffee, I'm honestly not sure how to answer that question. 'Daphne Shark Holland' doesn't exactly have a nice ring to it. "I-We'll have to think about that... okay?"

"Okay." He says seemingly satisfied with that answer. "Mommy?"


"When is Billie coming to see us?" I feel my hot tea go down the wrong pipe as he asks the question, a question I don't have an answer to.

"I'm not sure, baby." I say putting my hand over my chest trying to soothe the ache.

"Can we call her?"

"Not today baby."

"Okay." I can tell he's not happy with my answer, but after our argument the other night, and her accusations I don't want to speak to her; nor do I even know what to say to her.

"How about we go to the park today?" Claudia suggests, trying to break the tensions she can clearly see radiating off me.

"Yeah!" Chase exclaims.

"And we can start planning your baby shower." Claudia winks as she taps her planner.

"I really don't want a baby shower." I say shaking my head.

"Just a small one, it's like a rite of passage."

"What's that?" Chase asks looking at Claudia.

"It's a party where people bring gifts for your sister."

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