"You wanna push her ass off the slide and go have some fun?"

"Let's do it"

We watched the little girl go down the slide and slash in the water. She quickly tried swimming back but Dominic blocked the exit of the slide. As he stalled her I had enough time to go to the entrance.

"Get out of the way you negro, I own this slide"

Dominic was going to say something but, he reminded himself she looked ten. He moved from in front of the slide and signaled for me to go. Being the adult I am I went as soon as I saw she was going back up.

I pushed her out of the slide with my feet, landing me on top of her into the water. I temporarily drowned her for a few seconds. I thought she would have the sense to not try to go up when she saw me going down.

"My mom is going to kill you guys once my butler tells her you dumb monkeys"

"You don't get love at home huh? Because I can tell that's the only reason why you're such a brat"

She huffed and tried to go back up the slide. This time a kid twice my size went in the slide, sending her flying to the deep side of the pool.

She damn near drowned if it wasn't for the lifeguards. She was seen flailing her arms as they pulled her out of the water by the waist.

Look at God, working in mysterious ways.

After a few minutes of Dominic swimming and me floating on top of the water, we were ready to get out. I can't be the only one who still uses a floaty when I swim. I don't want to sink in the bottom so I'm being careful.

No one can tell me that large bodies of water don't scare them. You never know what's lurking in the water that can snatch your ass up.

Dominic rang the bell that was on the table and the waiter came out. He looked irritated his way to us. He genuinely looks tired of his job.

"What do you guys want?"

"Today's special, please. I will like our food served with a smile too."

"I'll give you a smile once you tell me your real ages so I can kick you guys out."

"I'm going to file a restraining order against you. You can't be harassing eleven year old." I said with a smile on my face.

He sucked his teeth then, went back to the employee room. As we waited for our food we started playing Uno. I thought it was going to be a friendly game but I was wrong.

"You're fucking cheating Dominic I can see the green card inside of your swim trunks"

"Girl you are blind. Oh my gosh, a pink whale eating a Dorito"

As I looked back I saw him try to chew the green card. I caught him in action but he tried to cover it up by throwing it in the water.

We decided to put the cards away once he WWE me into the water. My wig that I thought was secure went drifting to the other part of the water.

"It's the Loch Ness monster!"

All the kids came running out of the water in a frenzy. I quickly put on my bonnet before someone realize that the monster was my hair. Right as I was about to escape to the bathroom out food came.

"Here is your stuffed potato with cheese, sour cream, and bacon bits served with a well-done steak and a steamed garlic lobster tail"

"Here is your stuffed potato with cheese, sour cream, and bacon bits served with a well-done steak and a steamed garlic lobster tail"

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"Are you sure this is a kid's place? They serve food with enough portions to serve a grown man."

"I'm gonna have to come here for my eleventh birthday"

After we left the indoor pool he took me out for ice cream. I put all the toppings they had so I could hopefully get a sugar rush. Even though I get diarrhea the next day it's worth it.

"To be honest, I gambled on our date today. Not most girls want to do something that 'immature' like going to an indoor pool"

"Do you not see that I love childish things. I rather go to a trampoline place or go-karting than to an expensive dinner any day. It keeps me on my toes"


I can just see us doing some outrageous things on our dates from now on. He had this look in his eyes that tells me he's determined.

Maybe I'm starting to like him.

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