"Put down the candlestick then I'll tell you.", they said looking at it.

Bdubs the put the candlestick next to him with his hand ready to grab it if needed.

"Now then, my name is Doc.", the stranger told him.

"I'm Bdubs.", he replied.

"Nice to meet you. Now let's go. If I'm correct your friend should almost be out of here.", Doc said heading to the window. 

"We're going to jump from there?!", Bdubs yelled.

"You're going to jump from there. It's too suspicious if I leave too, it's not even like anyone would want me around.", Doc said. 

Doc opened the window and threw some pillows down. He also pulled out a rope that he was getting ready to tie around Bdubs but before that, a person with large wings appeared at the window. Their eyes look emotion-less and they were also a bright red. 

"We're too late!", Doc yelled grabbing Bdub's hand and running out of the room. 

Bdub's room was at the end of the corridor. Before they were able to get anywhere (827 word so far wow. This is longer than usual) a werewolf, or what Bdubs thought was a werewolf appeared. Their expression seemed just as emotion-less but he couldn't see their eyes properly since sunglasses were on their face. Doc looked terrified as they had nowhere to run. Bdubs could see that he was just trying to help him and not trying to trick him. Before he knew it more of that gas was coming. Bdubs tried to not breathe it in but there was no way. He fainted again but this time with fear of would happen when he woke up. 

The next time he had woken up, he was back in the bed room. Bdubs knew it was the same one since the candlestick was where he left it, more like where it would've been if it had rolled off the bed. He check the window which was now shut tight. It didn't take long for someone to open the door this time around. It surely wasn't Doc though. They had a lighter skin tone, brown hair, and a pair of glasses on their face. Although that may seem rather innocent, they looked a lot more intimidating. They had red eyes but in a much darker shade, even seemed to have a tint navy blue. 

"Why howdy there. My name is Joe Hills, and I own this lovely place. Sorry for that earlier, but leaving without even saying hello to your host is quite rude. I'm also very sorry about that Doc fella, he tends to say things that aren't true about me. Ah, I'm rambling again. Do you mind telling me your name?", the man said.

"B-bdubs", Bdubs said in fear.

"Nice to meet you Bdubs. Do you have any idea where your friend might've gone? They left earlier with the help of someone named Impulse but he refused to tell me where he went off too.", Joe said.

"N-no, sorry. I haven't seen him since we were in the forest.", Bdubs replied trying to hide his fear. 

"That's alright then. I'm just going to have to search for him. Not like I had enough people to search for already. Cleo!", Joe said looking towards the door. A girl with mucky green skin and bright orange hair came in a little annoyed. 

"Joe for the last time, don't call me when I'm trying to do my hair or I'll break YOUR LEGS!!!", the girl exclaimed.

"Darling, I'm talking to our guest! We want to make a good impression on them.", Joe said to her.

"Joe do I look like the kind of person to care about first impressions to you?", Cleo said.

Joe just rolled his eyes as they continued to talk a little longer. (I'LL GET TO THE PROMPT I SWEAR!!!!) At some point Cleo left the room just as annoyed as she came in and Joe looked back at Bdubs with a sinister grin.

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