
52 2 5

Genera: Angst

Ship: None

Universe: I don't know if I should consider it the Cocoverse or not.

Don't thank me for this, thank the 13 people who voted for this option over on Maya's Discord server.


When the message appeared in the chat, there was only one thing that went through Sam's mind was why hadn't he done anything sooner. He could've done something to stop this but he hadn't, and because of that Tommy was now gone.

Tommy was gone...

How? Why?

How did he let this happen?

No matter what, there was no way to change this. There was no way Sam could get Tommy back. And it was all his fault.
If only he could pretend Tommy was still alive.

Sam sighed and went over to the Big Innit Hotel. One of the things Tommy left behind. As Sam looked up at the large red structure, he was reminded about how much he cared for Tommy. Although he was annoying at times, and cursed a lot more than the average person should, Sam though of Tommy like a son.

Even if it was for just a moment Sam wanted to pretend Tommy was still alive, as if he just was away. That was all he wanted.


Yes this is a Dream SMP oneshot. Does not guarantee I'll do more. Till we meet again Adventurers!

                                            ~Chocolate Unicorn

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