Chapter 5- The Cave of Two Lovers

Start from the beginning

"I'm Chong. And this is my wife Lily," he gestures to the woman beside him. "We're nomads, happy to go where the wind takes us."

"You guys are nomads?!" Aang gasps. "That's great! I'm a nomad!"

"Hey! me too!"

"I know," Aang says. "You just said that."

"Oh." Chong says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Nice underwear," Chong says staring at Sokka.

Sokka, quickly grabs Momo, covering his area.

I giggle.

"Hey, nice hips." Chong says to me. I quickly run behind Appa.

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"Hey, Sokka, you should hear some of these stories. These guys have been everywhere."

"Well not everywhere, little arrowhead, but where we haven't been, we've heard about through stories and songs." Chong says.

Sokka looks at him unamused.

"They said they'll take us to see a giant night crawler," Aang says.

"On the way, there's a waterfall that creates a never-ending rainbow!" says Moku.

"Look I hate to be the wet blanket here, but since Katara and Soul are busy, I guess it's up to me."

Katara and I both look at eachother, our eyebrows raised.

"We need to get to Omashu, no sidetracks, no worms, and definitely no rainbows." Sokka says.

"Woah! Sounds like someone got a kick of destination fever," Chong chuckles.

"Haha, you're worrying too much about where you're going."

"You gotta focus less on where and more on the going." Lily says as she braids Katara's hair, while Katara braids my hair.

"Oh..Ma..Shu!" Sokka spits out.

"Sokka's right," Katara agrees. "We need to find King Bumi so Aang can learn earthbending somewhere safe."

"Sounds like you're headed to Omashu." Chong says.

Sokka slaps his hand on his forehead, face palming.

Chong and his friends started singing about secret tunnels.

"I think we'll just stick with flying," I hear Sokka murmur. "We've dealt with the Fire Nation before."

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"Ahhhhh!" We all scream.

"Secret love cave. Let's go." Sokka says to Chong.

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"Hey, hey!, we're here!" Chong cheers.

"What exactly is this curse?" Sokka asks.

"The curse says that only those that trust in love can make it though the caves. Otherwise, you'll be trapped in them forever." Chong explains.

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