Five: Freesia

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The morning sun filtered into the room, casting a bright ray onto Freesia's face as she shoved in closer to Mor, who was snoring beside her. She didn't want to get out of bed. She wanted to stay in this moment forever with her long lost best friend, arms wrapped around each other in their sleep.

Freesia inhaled deeply, savoring the scent of her companion. She shifted under the covers, finding a more comfortable position as her back started to ache. She regretted this immediately after since it caused Mor to shift as well, making her wake.

Freesia looked down to find Mor's deep brown eyes staring back into her swirling green. She smiled kindly, but Freesia could still see the sadness lingering from the night before.

Mor had fallen asleep in Freesia's arms after she had woken up the first time. She didn't care where she was. Only that her friend was with her. She had started crying and begging for Freesia's forgiveness. Saying that she should have known something was wrong all these years.

But Freesia simply patted the spot next to her on the bed and let Mor cry into her stomach as she hummed and stroked her golden hair. She had been angry at Mor, all those years ago. When she was first locked up and the hope of someone finding her was still evident in her mind.

But as the years passed slowly, that hope had withered and died, taking her anger towards Mor with it. She knew she couldn't blame anyone but her family for what had happened to her. It's not Mor's fault that her father had lied to everyone, saying she was married off to a High Fae Lord in the Spring Court.

But that didn't change the fact that as Freesia withered down there, staring at the same four walls for five centuries, she had cursed her name over and over again for not finding her. She had prayed and prayed to anyone who would listen to help her. And when her anger had left, when her fire had been put out, she still sat in that corner and day dreamed about the day she would be saved. The day she would walk in the sun again, would laugh again, have a conversation again.

She never gave up hope. Even when her father beat her over and over. Ripping skin, chipping teeth, breaking bones, again and again. She still hummed to herself and imagined a better world, a better life. Where she would finally be warm and happy.

Freesia pushed the memories out of her mind as she pushed the hair out of Mor's face. Mor lifted her head from where it was perched on Freesia's chest and stretched her arms out, yawning deeply. She then turned back to Freesia, taking her hands and dragging her out of bed.

"Come on let's get you bathed and dressed and then we'll eat the biggest and grandest breakfast you've ever had." Mor had determination in her eyes as she pulled Freesia towards the huge bathroom connected to the bedroom.

After she had scrubbed herself red and washed her hair three times, Freesia dried herself off and padded back into the bedroom, where she found Mor deciding between two outfits for Freesia to wear.

She decided to go with the, surprisingly comfy, leather pants that were laid out on the bed with a long sleeve white shirt that hid her scrawny arms and small waist with it being over sized for her. After looking in the mirror while she braided her long red hair back, she turned towards the door and followed Mor into the hallway.

She could hear chatter coming from downstairs and the pitter patter of busy feet. Nerves started twisting in her stomach as they descended the stairs. She didn't know anyone from the Night Court except Mor and of course she knew the High Lord's name well. But she had never heard of there being a High Lady. Freesia shook her head at her silliness. She's been locked in a cell for the past 500 years, so there being a High Lady in the Night Court is probably old news to everyone, except her.

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