Thirty-One: Celeste

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Celeste closed her eyes in concentration as she dipped into the seemingly bottomless pit of Freesia's magic. She had been practicing these pasts weeks, doing little magics to build up the skill. But nothing ever this big. 

Celeste was surprised to see it had worked when she opened her eyes to see the large shadow-creature towering over her, smiling at the High Lord. It made Celeste smirk to see the terror in Rhysand's eyes. Terror for his mate and unborn child. And terror for his friends.

Freesia was screaming at her, making her head pound with that unending migraine that she always caused. The girl wouldn't give up already. Wouldn't shut the fuck up. Celeste blocked Freesia's voice out as much as possible, trying to focus on the task at hand.

"So here's how this will work." Celeste looked from the creature beside her to the High Lord, still standing in front of his pregnant mate, "You give yourself to us without a fight, and we don't kill your friends. Capeesh?" Celeste gestured towards Lucien and Mor still standing with their hands on their sheathed weapons.

Rhysand didn't move for some time, his eyes unfocused as he stared towards the creature looming over everyone. He seemed to be having a conversation with himself, his expression changing like someone was talking to him.

Celeste remembered that the High Lord was what they called 'Daemati', meaning he could apparently get into people's heads. She assumed that was what he was doing now, talking to his mate and friends. It made Celeste uneasy, not knowing what they were saying, what they were planning.

But she waited for the decision, relishing in the possibility of watching his friends, and him, die by the hands of the shadow-creature Freesia had created.

"I take back what I thought earlier." Freesia spoke to Celeste, "I do not understand your actions." The disgust in Freesia's voice made Celeste cringe, but she pushed passed that guilt, building her walls to only appear unbothered. 

"You would, though, if you had gone through what I have." A picture of Lilly popped into Celeste's mind, Freesia's mind, her dark brown skin and short black hair shining in the sun light as she stared adoringly back at Celeste. It was this body she would always see when she thought of her Lilly, her original body. "She was the love of my life. And they took her from me." 

"I know how you feel, I really do. My mother was killed, by my father, of all people. But I choose to not wallow in the past, but live in the present. Because I know how it would eat me up inside, like it is doing to you. It is not Rhys and Feyre's fault. It Hyburn's fault. You cannot kill these innocent people for saving everyone, for destroying Hyburn and fixing the Cauldron after it was destroyed itself." Freesia's voice was soft as she spoke but also had a demanding tone that surprisingly made Celeste rethink her decisions and actions.

But before Celeste could think anymore on what she was told, Rhysand had focused back onto her. "Okay." He says softly, taking a small step towards the creature and Celeste. But before he could take another, Feyre's hand was wrapped around his wrist.

"No." She spoke, authority and power ringing through her voice. She side steps Rhys, glaring into Celeste's eyes as she continued, "I will not allowed you to come into my court and try to harm my family. We are the most powerful High Lord and Lady in history. Do you know what that means?" Her voice was cold, her glare piercing.

"It means we do not condone threats like you." Feyre took another step towards Celeste before Rhysand could stop her, "You have already taken one of us. The one most dear to Azriel and someone extremely close to all of our hearts. So I advice you to stop and think about what you are about to do. The war you are about to start. Because if you kill my mate, the High Lord of Night Court, you will not only start a war with us, but also with all the other High Lords that will come to our aid to destroy you." Feyre's lips curled into a snarl, a vicious look overtaking her face.

Celeste hesitated for a moment, looking over everyone in the room. But as she looked back to Feyre still glaring at her, Celeste only stepped closer and matched the High Lady's face. "You would go to war for your mate." She stated, her eyes flickering to Rhysand and back, "And I would for mine." 

Something flashed in Feyre's eyes that Celeste could not descriptor. Not before lunging for the High Lady, shoving her with all her weight, and sending the shadow creature towards Rhysand at the same time. 

It pounced behind her, its claws scraping on the floor as it sprinted towards the High Lord. Feyre had caught her balance quickly, sending a rush of power at Celeste that made her fling back and land on her ass. Celeste recovered quickly as well, jumping back to her feet and facing the High Lady once more.

Cal and Ezra were turned towards Mor and Lucien. Cal trying his best to not get hit by Lucien's fire strikes as Ezra went head to head with Mor. The room busted out into chaos as they all faced each other, but Celeste had noticed the absence of Meg. 

She must had slipped out when the room went into madness, the traitor. A coward, that's what she was. Freesia was still pushing and screaming in her mind, trying to break free once more and giving Celeste a dizzying headache that made her off balance.

The creature and High Lord circled each other, daring one another to make the first move. Celeste burrowed further into Freesia's magic, making her hands come alive with blue flame as she circled with the High Lady. 

She struck, throwing flame after flame at Feyre as the High Lady blocked each blow. But Celeste could see she was getting tired after the fifteenth blow, her breath becoming labored as sweat glistened her forehead. She guessed pregnancy would have that effect on someone.

And as the twenty fifth blue flame was thrown at the High Lady, she was thrown back into the wall, her body limp as she laid unconscious. Celeste knew she was supposed to feel remorse for the damage she could have caused to Feyre's growing child, but couldn't bring herself to care at that moment.

She could only see her Lilly, and the death these people had brought upon her. Celeste turned towards Cal and Ezra in time to see them both on the floor, Cal covered in burns and unconscious, and Ezra looking up at Mor as she closed in on him, his face bloodied and bruised. 

Celeste thought of charging towards the female and blocking her from Ezra, but before her feet could move, a loud boom echoed through the room, making everyone freeze. 

And as a black cloud formed in the middle of the room, Azriel stepped into view, staring straight at Celeste. Straight at Freesia.

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