Twenty-Three: Freesia

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She couldn't move her arms. Her legs. Her head. She was paralyzed.

They said she was perfect for their deeds. Perfect for the plan.

She didn't understand.

She had woken, but was still dreaming. Watching from someone else's perspective, but it was hers.

Her face looking back in the mirror, but she was not controlling it.

"Oh, stop pouting." The imposter said. Her voice a ringing in Freesia's ears.

"What have you done? Who are you?" Freesia asked, her own voice not sounding like it usually did.

"I have taken you. You are mine now. It does not matter who I am. I am you now. And I will now take our plan to the next step, by destroying the High Lord and Lady, and their little posey, from the inside." She said, a cruel laugh echoing through their head.

Her head. This was not 'their' head. It was hers. Just hers.

"No. It is mine. And soon you will be gone, and I will have it all to myself."

"Are you okay in there?" A knock sounded at the door as Azriel's voice followed.

Freesia tried to scream for him. Yelling for him to help her. To stop her. But it did not leave her mouth.

"Yes, I'm almost finished." The imposter answered, a cunning smile reflecting back from the mirror.

She started humming as she sauntered towards the door and opened it. Azriel stood by the bed, hands in his pocket as she stepped into the bedroom.

His eyes examined her, scanning every inch of her as she stood in front of him.

"He'll figure it out." Freesia said to the poser. "He'll know you're not me. He's my mate."

"I know." She answered, "Thats why we'll have to end that little romance. But first, let me have my fun."

Freesia could only watch as her body- that she could not control or stop- strutted up to Azriel, her mate, and kissed him.

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