Twenty-Five: Freesia

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Hey y'all! This ones crazy! Enjoy!

The two pictures above are how I picture the two new male characters in this chapter! Make sure to comment what you think! <3
- Faith xx

She had broken through. Just for one moment she had been able to control her arms. And it was just enough time to push Azriel off of her. To stop what they were about to do.

She had been screaming for them to stop. Screaming for him to figure out it wasn't her. But the imposter had just blocked her out and continued.

Freesia had gotten so mad she could feel her insides boiling with anger. And then she just pushed. She pushed as hard as she could. And it had worked.

But now she had lost control again and no matter how hard she pushed and screamed, she couldn't get control again.

"I've decided, Azriel, that I don't want to be mated with you." The thing controlling Freesia's body grabbed a new pair of leggings from the dresser, pulling them on and adjusting her tunic.

As she turned to Azriel, Freesia could see the devastation on his face. Could see just how much those words had hurt him.

She started screaming, her voice only bouncing back against the walls of her mind. "DON'T DO THIS!" "PLEASE STOP!" Freesia was crying now, broken sobs echoing around her head.

"I don't know why I ever thought you deserved me, a lowly Illyrian nobody. So I've decided to move out. I'll go somewhere else in the city. And I don't want you to see me. To check on me. Or talk to me." The imposter said as they started to put Freesia's clothes into a travel bag.

Azriel just stood by the bed, silent, staring at the wall with a blank expression. A single tear ran down his face, but his hand quickly came up to wipe it away.

"I understand." His voice was a whisper as he made his way to the door. He paused, his hand on the doorknob and turned back to her. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask me."

And then he was gone. There was an empty feeling in Freesia's chest. Right where her heart was supposed to be. She felt so broken, so defeated, that she stopped screaming.

She gave up.

Her mate did not realize it wasn't her. And now he never would, because he would never speak to her again.

She would never feel his scarred hands on her cheek again. Never again look into his hazel eyes, or feel his face buried into her neck.

For the first time since Freesia was down in that cell, in that darkness, wasting away, Freesia went numb.

The imposter finished packing all her stuff, picked up the two bags she had stuffed, and made for the door.

"Now that that is taken care of, no one will come looking for you. I can keep you as long as I want as long as your little mate stays away." Her voice was cruel and full of amusement. Like she hadn't just ripped her entire life to shreds.

Her love. Her mate. The way he looked when he had heard the words leave her mouth. She couldn't think about it. Couldn't bare it.

"I am going to kill you." Freesia said, keeping her voice calm and collected.

"No. You won't. Because the longer I'm in here, the shorter time you have in here too. You'll be gone by the end of the month, if that." She replied. Freesias heart sank as a dread filled her stomach.

"Why me." She whispered.

"Freesia, darling, do you not feel the power coursing through you?" The imposter said. "I'm going to train your magic. I am going to master it. And then I'm going to destroy the High Lord and Lady and take the Night Court for myself."

"You won't get away with this. I won't let you." Freesia's voice was a weak whisper in her mind.

"Oh, but haven't I already?" She laughed as she stepped out into the warm air of Velaris. And as she lifted her hand to snap her fingers, they winnowed to an apartment in the middle of the city.

"It's time for you to meet my friends, darling." And with that, she walked into the apartment.


There were two other males in the apartment when she walked in. One standing by the fireplace, a hand on the mantle, and the other by the window looking out onto the street.

The former male was lean with dark hair and a black suit on. His eyes displayed coldness as he turned to see 'Freesia' walk in. The other male was a muscles toned man with a light brown hair. He had some facial hair on his jaw and chin and his hair was in a bun atop his head. He wore a white long sleeved shirt tucked into black pants.

"Good. You guys are here." The imposter said to the two males.

"You're late, Celeste."


That was her name. The female inside Freesia's head did have a name after all.

"Of course I have a name." Celeste said into Freesia's mind.

"Sorry, had some melodramatic events to deal with before I could just leave. No one will come looking for this body for a while. Enough time to do what we need." Celeste walked to the couch, plopping down and lifting her feet to rest on the coffee table in front of her.

"Is she still in there? Cal said that his went away when he woke up, but that the male hadn't wanted to fight anyway." The male by the fireplace said with a pointed look towards the other male in the room. "Mines still kicking. Won't shut the fuck up most of the time." He adds.

"Ya, she's still here. She seems to just be a cry baby most of the time. And she's threatened to kill me, which was very entertaining." Celeste's chuckle was like fingernails on a chalk board to Freesia.

"It wasn't a threat. It was a promise." Freesia commented, making Celeste roll her eyes.

"What have you been up too since I left, Ezra?" Celeste asked towards the male still at the mantle.

"We dropped our other bodies after taking care of your last one and found these guys walking out of a bar so we snatched them." Cal said before Ezra could reply.

"So what? You three just jump from body to body? What the hell are you guys?" Freesia said as Cal and Ezra sat in the two chairs across the coffee table.

"We are Damnatis. Lost souls of the cauldron. Our own bodies are no longer, so we live in others bodies as a replacement." Celeste replied in her head as Cal and Ezra start to banter back and forth.

"You know what the best part in this whole plan is, dear Freesia?" Celeste says out loud. "It's that once we are done with your High Lord and Lady, I will leave this body. And once I'm gone, this body dies, along with you. So even if you do stay in my head longer then others do, you'll still lose in the end, darling."

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