Nathan's body was shaking in fury as he dove at Celia. The two of them began rolling on the ground, punches and kicks flying and grunts of pain echoing.

"Nathan! Celia! Stop!" Katia yelled over their fighting.

Damien finally opened his eyes and was watching the fight with mild curiosity. Katia kept shouting but it was no use.

"Will both of you shut up and quit beating each other up! It's not helping and you're driving me insane!"

Their only response was more grunting as they continued to fight in their small cell. Katia was about to throw a loose brick at them when a dark angel suddenly materialized from the shadows.

"Stop," he commanded calmly. Nathan and Celia flew apart from each other to opposite sides of the cell. "Fighting is not permitted."

Both of them were gasping for breath, bleeding cuts and bruises on their faces, arms, and legs. Nathan was massaging his jaw while Celia rolled her shoulders back.

The two of them finally went silent, and Katia sighed in relief. The angel nodded in approval and was about to leave before Katia quickly called his attention.

"Wait! May we request to speak with the queen?" Katia asked kindly. "We wish to apologize."

He fixed her with a long stare. "I will ask," he said before turning away and exiting the dungeon.

"What are you doing?" Damien asked stretched his legs.

"Hopefully if we apologize we can convince Serena to help us," Katia said.

"Doubt it," Celia muttered but Katia just ignored her.

After a couple of moments the angel came back down.

"The queen wishes only to see you," he said, addressing Katia. He unlocked the cell and brought Katia out.

"Don't screw up," Celia told her.

"Ignore her. You'll be fine," Nathan assured Katia. He gave her a smile which only succeeded in calming part of her nerves. She followed the angel up, but before the door shut, she could hear Celia and Nathan fighting again. Katia merely sighed.

The angel led her down a different path. Instead of heading into the dining room, he showed her into an office that also looked like a chemistry lab. The walls were lined with bookshelves and various bottled potions glittered on the back counter. Serena put down the book she was reading. Katia hastily curtseyed, but she saw that Serena was still angry.

"Queen Serena, we would like to apologize for upsetting you earlier. Believe us, that was not our intention," Katia began sincerely. Serena scowled as she looked down at Katia.

"I am surprised you, an Elicti, are apologizing in the first place. But that doesn't change things," Serena said firmly.

"If you don't mind me asking, your highness, why do you hate us so much?" Katia asked carefully. The way Serena talked about Elictis made it seem like they were a terrible people no better than trash.

"Naturally they would not tell you," she said, disgust plain in her voice. "A long time ago my people lived on the island you know as Aevria. We were at peace there practicing our magic before the Elictis came and took over the island. They banished us from our own home, forcing us to split apart. They looked down on us, didn't believe we were as good as them. I came here but I don't know where most of the others live. They took our home. That is why I hate Elictis."

Katia just stared at her in shock. She had no idea that was how the Elictis got the island. She couldn't believe they could be so cruel and she suddenly wasn't so proud of her roots.

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