O.o Kiba? (Makomo - Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Outerrrrrrrr! What did I do??

You're asking me? Seriously?


I sighed and continued to ignore Inner.

I did my daily routine and dressed up for the academy. I walked out of my room, down the stairs and to the front door where Makomo was waiting for me.

"Your parents just let you go to school alone?"

"Yes? What's wrong with that?"

"Oh, It's just, I'm not used to this. There always had to be someone accompanying a child when they left their house,"

"You're saying as if- oh... sorry."

Makomo smiled at me and held out her hand, "Let's go, shall we?"

I took her outstretched hand and held it firmly, "Yep! Let's go."

We have been walking for around five minutes now and I feel like I'm forgetting something. People were giving me strange and questionable looks. Oh, I was still holding Makomo's so it probably looks like I was holding an invisible person's hand- only if everyone here can't see her. It would be a mess if someone here could see her.

---Kiba's P.o.v---

My ma dragged me outta the house by the back of my jacket, mumbling curse words under her breath.

Once again, I'm almost late for the academy. "Kiba I swear if you're gonna be like this tomorrow morning too, Imma make sure you never see the light of day ever again."


I let her drag me through the streets, once again, and the onlookers were so used to our shinanegns they just minded their own business... gossiping???

Hehehe. I used big words today. Now my head hurts.

I listened in on the gossip. A couple Uchiha and Hyuuga kids did some ritual together on an egg??? I thought their clans hated each other. Some ANBU ate all the dango at the dango shop yesterday. Some pink haired kid hallu- hallusinte? hallucinating?

Wow boring :/

Oh wait. Pink haired kid... Sounds familiar.

"I'm tired of dragging you to school every day, don't you have friends you can go with?" My ma complained.

"You don't let me go myself and Shino wakes up waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early."

"Oh wait that girl's in you're class isn't she? I've seen her a couple times. At the store once too..." She pointed into the distance.

"The store? Ohhhh they got the duck there right?"

"Yes! That kid!" She continued pointing and picked up her pace to catch up with uhhh... Sukuna? Suna? Isn't that a village? Sasuke??? Nahh thats the guy with the horrible hairdoo. It looks like some bird's butt or something. Wait, ma said it- I mean she was a girl. Dang I only thought of dude names.

"HEYYYYY! DUCK CHILD!!" Ma yelled while picking up her pace further and dragging me along.

Duck child turned around and looked at Ma in confusion. "Duck child??"

"Yeah you. You're in Kiba's class right?" Ma then continued to ask the duck child if she could walk to the academy with me and introduced her and bla bla bla.

I zoned out and I saw the girl that she was holding hands with. She isn't in our class for sure. Maybe one of our seniors. Her fashion sense is kinda uhhh old??

The girl caught my stare and looked straight into my eyeballs. She then whispered "You can see me right? And lower your voice when you answer please... I don't want us to gain attention."

"G-gh-ghost??" My voice trembled.

She looked torn between what to say. "Not exactly, but yes. Sakura and I will explain soon. Just pretend you dont see me and under no circumstances are you allowed to tell anyone of this."

I nodded my head. Akamaru let out a little bark. I had completely forgotten he was with me, sitting on my head. "It's nothing Akamaru."

Ma talked duck child into walking me to school.

"Take care Kiba! Don't commit arson!" Ma yelled as she sprinted into the direction of her ninja pet shop.

Duck child, now that I know and remeber as Sakura turned to look at me and said, "Come on Kiba lets go, we have approximately ten minutes until class starts."

"We have time," I replied casually as I walked up next to her, "Oh you remember me! From that time!"

She uttered out a single sentence that made us dash.

"Yes, and Kiba, the academy, from our current location, is twenty minutes away."

A/n - Explanation

I'm really sorry for not updating in such a long time, I had mentioned in one of the previous chapters that I had no idea where the story was going to go and how it is is going to progress.

From my time off I've thought of several ideas that might fit well into what I currently have written and so I have continued writing!

Thank you all for supporting my story and willing to wait for my extremely slow updates :DD

Right after I publish this chapter I will be writing another one so expect a chapter soon ٩(๑^o^๑)۶

- Nov ╰(*'︶'*)╯

p.s this is not edited. At all.


My friend read over this chapter and she pointed out all my mistakes (thanks btw) and there are TONS. IM SORRY (╥﹏╥)

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