Error x Peacemaker! Reader [Love at First Sight]

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(I just didn't have an idea for a Classic x reader ;-;)

"Y/n my sweet child..."
"Mother! Do you like the flower crown I made?"
"It's beautiful, sweety."
"Mother... Why do people hurt each other? Fight each other?"
"I don't know... The world is a hard place..."
"... What if... I change that! That it! When I grow up, I'll be the peacemaker of the world! No no! The universe!"
"Hehe! Whatever you say, my child..."











"Sister? F-Father!? MOTHER!?! Where are you!?!" You screamed in an empty white void. "Somebody! Anybody! Please..." You fell to the ground sobbing. "N-no... I h-have to stay strong... Mother would never like to see me like this... I-I... I can and I will be the Peacemaker of the Universe! Maybe not my universe but others! I'll be the Peacemaker of the Multiverse!" You shouted with HoPe.

As days passed, you meditated to yourself. Trained the magic within you. You read old legends that humans used to have magic. You learned how to unleash that magic and manifested it to become more powerful. You learned to make bubbles of kindness, flames of bravery, rings of justice, platforms of integrity, the armour of perseverance, strings of patience, weapons of determination and portals of hope.

With all those years of training, you have finally become what you wanted. Not for you, but for your Mother. You took out a picture of your mother. She was a powerful Mage indeed. You kissed the top of the photo "I did it, mother. I achieved my goal. For you..." You opened a portal and jumped through. It was... Another void. But at least it had some colours. Like... Blue string... Lots of paint, for sure.

You walked around the void. Well, anti-void. You kept walking till you heard shouting. You stopped. You saw two skeletons. An artist one and a glitchy one. Time to use your magic. Normally you don't have to but, this is a war between creating and destruction were talking about.

"Stop!" You trapped the two in separate bubbles. Huh. That was easier than expected. "LET ME GO YOU ANOMALY!" The glitchy one screamed. "I'm afraid I can't do that sir." You said as you brought both of them to a world. An uncompleted world you found years ago. "Where are we?" The artist said. "My home!" You exclaimed as you popped the bubbles. They both fall to the ground. The artist fell with an oof while the destroyer grunted as he got up.

"Hi! I'm Ink! That grouch over there is Error!" Ink introduced. You smiled. "I'm Y/n. I'm the Peacemaker of the Multiverse." You smiled softly at both of them. You sat down on the grassy field. "Come! Sit with me." You patted the ground beside you. Ink took the offer while Error hesitated. You three looked up to the night sky. It was beautiful. It was shimmery and it was nice.

Ink sat down and looked to you. "Hey Y/n? Do you have any drinks in your house?" He asked. You nodded "Yup! I'll go get it-" "No! It's okay. I'll go get it. You've done see much for us already!" 'I did?' you thought. Ink got up and ran to the house. You were alone... With Error... A destroyer...

"Hey, Error?" You asked. Error looked to you slightly and then looked back up "hm?" "Why do you destroy worlds?" You asked softly. "Why do you ask?" He looked at you sceptically. You giggled "We all have a reason for something. Like myself! My reason is that... I lost my actual home. My family, my friends... But, I remember telling my mother about a dream." It started to rain. "I asked her, 'Mother, why do people fight?'. I was so nieve. She sighed and said they have their reasons." You sat down.

"I remember how she smiled when I said I wanted to be the peacemaker of the universe. She laughed and stroked my hair... When I lost her... I was left with a white void... But I was determined! I kept trying. And here I am... Talking to the destroyer of worlds." You looked to Error. You both stared for a while. Until thunderstruck. You felt your face heat up a bit. Was it... Love at first sight?

Error's POV

She looked at me with eyes that showed passion and pitty. She really committed to this for her mother. Just like me... For Geno... We looked at each other for a while before thunderstruck. My eyes widened as my face heated up a bit. W-why? why did I feel like this? My soul is fluttering. I stared into the depths of her eyes before shaking my head and looking away. "Heh... I'm in a similar situation... I made a promise..." She blinked a few times before smiling. She looked into the cloudy sky. I looked back at the sky too. Even if it's raining, the sky still is pretty... Like a certain someone who's stilling beside me...

I was about to ask Y/n something when I felt something get thrown at me. It was mud. I turned to see Y/n giggling to herself. I growled and tried to summon my strings. I didn't work... I don't think monster magic works here. I got hit again. Y/n was now laughing to herself. Not if I can help it. I grabbed some mud and thew it at her. Bullseye. She looked at me with with a sly smile as she tackled me to the ground.

I chuckled as I tried to push her off me. "Get off!" "Never!" We were laughing like we knew each other for so long. But... I just met her! We got too caught up as Y/n slipped on the mud falling... On top... Of me... We looked at each other as our faces slowly heated up. Oh, Asgoro- Her lips look so soft... She slowly got up apologising. I got up as well but this time, I slipped. And fell... On top of her...

We were blushing even more. But this time... I went for it. I pulled her face closer to mine. I closed the gap. We melted into the kiss as the rain stopped. The moon shining down on us like it was hoping this would happen. Wha- Is this how it feels like to be in love?

Bonus for crack

You melted into the kiss as the surroundings changed... And so did your trust for Ink. Click "WOOHOO! CONGRATS YOU TWO!!!" Ink said in the distance. You both parted form the kiss as Error finally decided to crash. You slowly looked to Ink and stared him dead in the socket. "Ink...? You are so dead to me..." "Hehe- I know... Ehe-"


I did it! Yay! Words? 1,120 >:3
Part 2? Maybe... Maybe... -.3-.
Did you enjoy it? Hopefully! I wrote this all under 5 hours :D
See you Reader ;)

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