t h i r t y s e v e n

433 24 6

37 - C.I.S.D

Jennie's P.O.V

I took a quick walk downstairs to get the medicine or stuff needed for Lisa's medications. I haven't seen Jisoo since what happened earlier.

I never meant to hurt Lisa and Taehyung in this mission. Only If I knew what he had planned for us Without a doubt I wouldn't have persuaded them to join the boys.

But that brings up another question, The boys. They were there when the building collapsed. Did... they know?

They knew that the building was about to crumble. It might also explain the fact that the CCTV's were disabled and the fact that the helicopters weren't like the ones patrolling around the academy like it used to.

The helicopter who shot Rosé in the leg and grazed Jisoo's arm. For me, this is enough evidence to cut our ties with them. I snap out of my thoughts when my phone buzzed

Have you seen Irene Unnie?

The last time I saw her was when I left Lisa's room.

Why are you looking for her?

Nothing. Just worried.

I'll meet you in Lisa's room see you later

I sighed and closed my phone and put it back in my pocket


It's still bothering me the fact that I blacked out at the mission earlier. It was peculiar why she did that. And the next thing I know is when I woke up we were in a room both of us sitting on the red lounge chair as if nothing happened.

It wasn't like her. The way she acted was not her. I can assure you that. But is it a coincidence that Jisoo and Irene are acting this way?

Jisoo keeping it a secret that she and V were dating and she knew his plans but never tried to tell us nor warn us of what he was planning or what he had planned.

Irene, she acted so conspicuously when we were at that building when we first saw him. Even before we got back to the lodge she was and still is sometimes. Acting like something is telling her what to do. She's giving me this uneasy feeling instead of reassurance.

Which brings me in the conclusion to...

Are they perhaps...

Betraying us?

No Jennie that's impossible

Nothing's impossible.

But you have to keep in mind that Lisa is in a coma. And before you guys saved Momo. Momo was kidnapped. Maybe they can't think straight because they are still in shock.

But we were trained not to be.

Sometimes training doesn't mean you'll get used to it. There are times when you feel lost. And that training will be useless in certain situations.

I let out a sigh and entered the room. I saw Jisoo sitting on the couch hands roaming around the empty seat next to her. I checked out Lisa first and everything seems to be normal. I placed the things that I got downstairs at the table.

As soon as I looked back at Jisoo she was now sweating I quickly rush towards Jisoo


She didn't budge.

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