"Okay, now you are just exaggerating." I chuckled. I can't wait to rub this in her face later.

The rest of the ride was us listening to music on the radio and making small talk until we arrived at the brunch cafe of our choice. Once we were sitting, we started talking again.

"So, what's new with you?" I asked him, taking a sip of my water.

He took a deep breath before blowing air out of his mouth dramatically. "Other than passing most of my mid-terms I'd say nothing is new. What about you?"

"Nothing at all. I have no training and no interviews so I've been in my apartment doing absolutely nothing for the past couple weeks." I tell him before remembering "oh! Anna had her baby."

"She did? Is it a girl or a boy?" He asked, playing with the napkin in front of him.

"It's a girl. Her and Brandon decided on my Nonna's name, Aurora."

"That's cute."

"I know, but oh my god, the birth was so fucking scary." I breathed though a chuckle.

His eyebrows raised and his eyes widened. "You were there?"

"Um, yes! Two hours after Brandon left for his work trip, Anna's water broke so I asked my friend who lives in the building to drive us to the hospital. She was in labor for nearly three hours." I explained to him, leaving out the unimportant detail that my neighbor was also my ex.

"Wow. I can imagine you freaking out." He chuckled, making me pout.

"Hey, it's not funny. I was genuinely terrified when her water broke."

"I'm sorry. You're right. It's not funny." He said, putting his hand over his mouth as he stifled another laugh.

After the waitress came and took our order, we jumped right back into our conversation.

"Quick question." I started, taking a sip of my water.

"Ask away."

"You like Nick, right?"

"Of course I do. That guy is hilarious. Why?" He questioned, leaning forwards with his arms crossed on the table.

"Every guy I've dated - well, all besides one - had a problem with how close Nick and I are. I just wanted to make sure that it doesn't bother you." I spoke quietly, feeling stupid for having to even ask him this.

"Oh, no it doesn't bother me at all. I mean, you've known each other your whole lives so of course you are going to be really close. Not to mention you work together." He answered, which was extremely relieving.

"Okay, good." I smiled in relief.

"Yeah. Don't worry about that. I like Nick almost as much as I like you." He grinned, and hearing him say he liked me made my heart get caught in my throat. "I think it's a bit silly for people to not date you just because your best friend is a guy. It just shows they are insecure."

"Exactly." I agreed.

"Who was the one guy that didn't have a problem with him?" He asked casually, smiling up at the waitress when our food was brought to our table and set down in front of us. We thanked her and she walked away.

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