Chapter 22~ A Martyrs Death

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"And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable distance
And up until now, I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness."


There were moments in life where the simple things felt like the ones that you'd treasure the most. That smile that came over you involuntarily as you reminisced. Just the company of someone could have that same effect.

Kicking lightly at the pebbles along the way as they walked, the pinkette hummed an unfamiliar tune to herself. A distinct hoarse rattling sound caused the pair to look up suddenly.

Leaves and branches rustled as two birds fought, bashing and flapping their wings at each other. Crows.

One of the birds had flown away, while the other perched high up, crying out from being beaten. Sasuke couldn't help thinking how ironic it was, and that he associated it with his brother...

"What are you thinking about?"

"My brother."

Sakura hadn't expected him to reply or even so truthfully when she saw him so deep in thought. All the times she had heard him mention Itachi, it was always with a venomous tone and far from anything he sounded like right now.


She let him take his time to tell her, if he was even going to share, he knew he could with her.

"He was known for his ability to summon crows."

His summoning of crows must've been the much, much later down the list of things people knew Itachi for, among killing his clan and being an international terrorist- but she didn't say anything.

"Seeing them makes me think of him." He admitted self consciously, his voice lowering at the end.

Maybe it was death which did that to a person. To see or be reminded of things you attached to the one you've lost, from ordinary occurrences. Maybe it was your brain trying to hold on to anything that would keep that person's presence alive.

"I had met him before."

Sasuke looked a little taken aback, glancing at her.

She had only ever seen him once before, and it was brief, not to mention so long ago. Plus, she had mistaken him for his brother at first.

"It was awhile back though. When the Shukaku altercation was going on."

He remembered when that had happened, even though most of the things at the time now seemed a bit blurry. News travelled surprisingly fast in the hideout, and news about the Akatsuki was almost instantaneous.

It was must've been around the time when Sasori had been killed, and to his surprise when Orochimaru was the one bringing the news.

"Seems like your little teammate played a hand in taking down Sasori."

'Naruto?' He thought grimly.

"Fiesty one, isn't she. Just like her teacher."

His jaw had clenched at the mention, as thoughts rushed through his mind. If he was in shock, he surely didn't show it. Without a word, he had left the room, not wanting to be immersed with his past chains.

Sakura didn't want to draw the attention to herself from him, if he was going to speak, she'd be the last person to stop that.

"What was he like?"

The Uchiha took a deep breath in as they walked, the air was petrichor and thick. Just like the times he had woken up at the cracks of dawn to train target practice when he was younger.

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