troublesome intentionally?

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Later that night in my dorm room, as everyone else was fast asleep, I was unable to quit thrashing around. I was unable to nod off regardless of what I attempted to do.

I sat up in bed and took a gander at my end table to see the time which said 1:57 am.

"Great" I state as I throw my back against my bed.

I gradually close my eyes and find a comfortable position and finally start to float off to rest until I see him.


I promptly open my eyes and glance around the room, however I don't see anything.

I returned to shutting my eyes but rapidly open them once again as I saw him standing over me and sit up in my bed to find my inhale as it found me napping.

"Draco?" I state to myself befuddled.

For what reason was I even thinking of Draco?

I have only conversed with him about three times, this evening being one of them.

I got up and crept out of my dormitory and made my way to the stairs that led me to the common room.

The cold cement floor sent shivers down my body as my feet came in contact with it.

I went into the common room and checked out the faintly lit seating territory.

I walked my way to the entrance of the room and started to open the entryway until I hear a profound male voice that caught me off guard.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I turn abruptly to see a figure sitting on one of the couches set in front of the fireplace.

I don't reply, rather I watch as they get up and advance towards me.

As they draw nearer, I am now able to make out who the individual is.


As he stands a foot away from me, he says in a harsh tone, "are you going to answer me?"

I admire him head to toe, from his light blonde hair to his dark joggers he has on.

"Why must you know my business?" I asked.

He scowled at me, "troublesome intentionally?" Tasing an eyebrow.

I stayed silent and just frowned at him, hoping for him to leave me alone.

As tension started to development, I watched as he backs up and rolls his eyes, "fine" he remarks.

I watch as he makes his way to the staircase and my eyes follows him as he is about to make his way up them.

Before he could get one foot on the stairs, I quietly say, "couldn't sleep."

I watch him as he turns his body to me and we make eye contact.

"Me too" he says but then he begins up the stairs, parting away from me.

Once I no longer have sight of him, I turn back to the door and creep out of the common room.

I walk through the school, making my way towards my secret spot which I had found in my second year here by mistake. I had first used it as a place to get my work done and away from all the noise. Now I come here almost every night if I am unable to sleep or if I am too stressed out.

I climbed up the spiral staircase that led me to a balcony that overlooked all of Hogwarts.

I admired the starry night sky, looked at the water which reflected the moon off it, and watched the trees sway in the light wind. It calmed me. How could it not, it was just so peaceful.

I loved having a spot that I only knew about. I sat there in silence, taking in the landscape that never neglected to facilitate my nerves.

In the silence as the time gradually flew by, I wounded up crying.

Sobbing actually.

I don't have the foggiest idea of what set off my inner parts to feel feeble.

The idea of never being good enough for my parents?

The idea of attempting to be sufficient for every other person?

Setting up boundaries so I could avoid getting hurt at every cost?

Or then again perhaps it was the means by which I have yearned for somebody to hear me out, my thoughts, or to simply to just have a friend.

I have constantly managed to encircle myself with individuals my age who thought of me as a companion. Despite the fact that I knew most things about them, but they did not know the slightest bit about me.

I felt alone more often than not and I reprimanded myself for it.

I stroll back to my dormitory and disclose to myself that I will be much more happier in the event that I branch out and make friends.

However the only other students that I am too converse with are Slytherins. I am to avoid other houses, particularly mudbloods.

My parents are constantly drilling in my head that being friends with kids from different houses shows a shortcoming and aching for something you can't discover in your own house.

"Being friends with a mudblood removes your predominance" they are always saying to me.

Lamentably for me, all the other students that I have conversed with in Slytherin have thought the same thing.

I need to find someone that breaks the barriers my parents put up, someone who would want to be friends with a mudblood.

I walk into the dorm and see Malfoy back on the sofa.

"Why are you still up?" I ask as I halted.

He gazes towards me and derides me, "why must you know my business?"

I attempt to keep down a grin however I fizzle.

"Troublesome intentionally?" I say while grinning and beginning to head up to my dormitory.

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