Chapter 9

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Blinking several times at Scott and Stiles, Roselen tries to figure out if she heard them right.

According to Stiles, Derek is not only alive and well, but he is also on the run from the entire sheriff's department. The latter of the information can be blamed on Scott for dropping the name in the first place.

"Wait, Derek's alive?" She asks the pair. "You knew for almost an entire week that he was alive, and you didn't tell me?"

Immediately stumbling over his words, Stiles tries to think of a good reason for not informing his girlfriend about the situation. "Well, um, you see—"

"I asked him not to," Scott interrupts.

Upon seeing the offended look on his twin sister's face, Scott shrugs his shoulders. "You're the victim of Beacon Hills's 'serial killer'. They literally had officers at your house for five days. It's kinda hard to keep you in the loop when you're being heavily watched and guarded."

Releasing a huff of annoyance, Roselen leans back against a cluster of lockers. It seems that almost being 'killed' by a rampaging killer isn't the easiest situation to be in.

Sometimes, Roselen's parents don't even want her to leave the house.

"Anyways, we had to evade your werewolf hunting aunt yesterday while trying to save Derek from the police and your dad."

Wincing at the news, Roselen gives the boys a look. "Can we not talk about the fact that my family is full of lying hunters? It's still difficult to wrap my head around that and the fact that I'm adopted and my birthmother didn't really give me up."

Scott lifts an eyebrow at his sister, who is only younger than him by minutes. "Speaking of which, have you talked to our mom, yet?"

That is another thing she is getting used to. The fact that she has two moms and two dads. She has birthparents, the people who don't even know that she's alive, and her adoptive parents, the people who raised her.

Her life has been way too complicated lately.

"Not yet," she admits. Shoving back a strand of her long hair, Roselen takes in a deep breath. "I have no idea what I'm going to say." She looks toward Scott with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you say in this type of situation?"

Her brother eyes her carefully. "I don't know. Maybe try telling her the truth?"

Roselen and Stiles both give Scott a look to show their disagreement. Upon seeing the judgmental looks on his friends' faces he shrugs his shoulders. "Or not. I don't know. I've never been in this situation before."

The girl rolls her eyes before glancing between the two boys. "Well, I have to get to class. Please try not to do anything crazy today."

Scott opens his mouth to say something, but Stiles steps in front of him. "Will do, babe!" He exclaims. He plants a quick kiss onto her lips before sending her on her way.

Roselen tries to ignore the pair's odd behavior as she limps through the hallway. Why do they always act like they have something to hide? It's almost as though Scott and Stiles want everyone to have to follow them around to know what they're doing.

When Roselen enters her classroom, her eyes land on the very spot where the Alpha had attacked her. She can see her red blood staining the carpet.

Growls fill her ears the longer she stares at the stained carpet where she thought she was going to die. The lights in the room dim as her chest constricts and slowly stops her from breathing.

"Roselen?" Lydia asks from behind her.

The strawberry blonde's voice pulls Roselen out of her thoughts. She turns to face Lydia, who actually appears to be concerned about her.

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