Chapter 4

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The person sneaking into Roselen's room is trying to be stealthy, but Roselen's supernatural sense keeps her aware of most of her surroundings.

Taking a step behind her bedroom door, Roselen prepares to battle whoever the intruder is. As soon as the person—who is dressing all black—enters her bedroom, Roselen grabs their back and throws them hard onto the floor. She wrestles the person and forces them to face her so she can identify them later.

She wasn't expecting the person to be someone she knows.

Eyes widening in surprise, Roselen loosens her grip on the older female's wrists. The woman's light brown eyes stare at her younger niece in shock. "Aunt Kate?" Roselen asks in disbelief as her parents and Allison rush into her bedroom. "You scared me!"

Kate produces a charming smile. "I can see that," she responds. She wriggles out of Roselen's grip and stands from the floor. "In the future, I'll knock." Kate begins to leave the room without so much of a glance backwards. She wasn't going to show how hurt her pride was by being knocked onto the ground by a sixteen year old.

"I missed you Aunt Kate!" Roselen exclaims in an attempt to make things better between her and her aunt.

Her aunt pauses by the door frame with a small. "I missed you, too, sweetie. Now go to bed. We'll catch up tomorrow."

Allison is the only one to remain after everyone else continued on with their lives. "Did you just attack our aunt?" She looks horrified by what her did.

Lifting her arms in a defensive position, Roselen gives her sister an apologetic look. "In my defense, she was opening the door slowly and I didn't know she was here."

Rolling her eyes, Allison decides to drop the topic and go to bed. She'll deal with her younger sister in the morning.

That night, Roselen dreams of her aunt getting attacked by the strange creature with red eyes, but she ends up shooting it and another werewolf all in the span of five minutes. Kate Argent looks powerful with a gun in her hand. Powerful and unafraid.

Stiles stares at his girlfriend in absolute disbelief, wondering if he even heard her correctly. "You attacked your aunt?" He practically shouts down the hallway.

Giving the boy an annoyed look, Roselen pulls her chemistry book out of her locker. "I thought she was an intruder." She stares down the hallway with an empty look in her eyes. "I have a bad feeling."

"Bad feeling like we should cancel our date tonight? Bad feeling like I'm definitely going to be grounded for attacking my aunt? Or bad feeling like whoever that other werewolf is that got shot we should probably lookout because he's going to slaughter us all?"

Roselen closes her locker, pretending to weigh in all of the options. "I'm thinking all but the first."

Looking slightly relieved, Stiles pretends to wipe some sweat from his forehead. "Good, because I was looking forward to spending the rest of the day eating up all my father's snacks and watching a bunch of movies."

Giving the teenage boy a quick peck on the lips, Roselen grins widely. "I am quite looking forward to that, too. Considering that I haven't been grounded yet, we can do it right after the final bell rings."

Their fingers race together before they start walking towards the exit. The bell rings above them, signalling the end of the school day.

Fishing for his keys with his free hand, Stiles gives his girlfriend a considerate look. "What movie were you thinking?"

"Hmm," she replies. She hasn't given much thought to what movie she wants to watch yet. Should they watch something romance-y? A comedy? Horror? "Maybe The Notebook? I haven't seen that movie yet."

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