15: The Judge

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"Hey." Emma nods.

"Hey yourself." Aram nods in return, sliding over to her desk.

"What happened while I was gone?" Emma asks, slumping into her chair.

"Well, um, a lot actually. Keen and Reddington went into the Syrian Embassy to steal an effigy. Turns out Madeline Pratt isnt such a high life after all."

Emma freezes.

"Who?" She asks.

"Madeline Pratt?" Aram answers. He frowns and slides back over to his desk, pulling up their files on the woman, and Emma just stares.

"She's pretty well known, actually, I'm surprised you haven't heard of her." Aram says.

"Yeah.... surprised." Emma echoes.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, it's just, hang on a minute." She shakes her head.

"Liz?" Emma asks,walking up to the woman.

"What's up, Emma?" She asks, looking up from her desk.

Emma looks between her and Ressler, and motions for Liz to follow her.

They go to the janitorial closet.

"What's wrong?" Elizabeth asks.

"Look, I wouldn't bother you if it wasn't important." Emma says.

"Ok..." liz trails off.

"I need my dad's number." Emma says.

"You dont have it?" Keen asks.

"No. I dont. Look, I just need to call him, it's urgent."

"Well here, you can use my phone." The agent offers, handing emma the device. "I'll write it down for you later."

"Thanks." Emma nods.

"Let me know if you need anything, ok?" Liz says.

"Ok." Emma nods.

Liz steps around her and exits the closet, Emma presses the number on the keypad.

"Lizzie." Her father answers.

"Wrong." Emma answers.

"Emma?" He asks.

Her throat goes dry. She tries to open her mouth but she can't make a sound.

"I can't decode silence, Emma. Why are you calling me? Where's agent Keen?"

"She's working." Emma answers softly.

"And why are you in posession of her cellular device?" He asks.

"She gave it to me, I needed to call you." Emma answers.

"Well I have other business to attend to, if you can't wrap this up in about 15 seconds I'm afraid I'm going to have to go."

"Dad, I-" she starts, but again she freezes.

"You have 3 seconds, Emma." He tells her.

Instead she hangs up.

Emma stares at the phone in her hand.

And then she's furious. She opens it up and calls him again.

"Emma I already told you-"

"You saw my mother." She says angrily. "You saw her and you knew you were going to see her and you didnt tell me."


"No, Dad. This isnt something that you can just explain away."

"You weren't there, Emma. You were off doing whatever it is you do, and I didn't have a choice."

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