-|State of California: "You have me to thank for Steve Jobs, just sayin'~!"|-

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The art is in fact mine, by the way.

This is California, the Golden State and the 31st state.

Cali's an extroverted trendsetter with a passion for show-biz, filmmaking, technology, and just the entertainment industry in general. They're bright, loud, and cheerful, though often times that attitude will annoy others like the rest of the Pacific States. They're surprisingly self-conscious about their physical looks and body image, as they obsess over things like workout routines, dieting, fashion, etc (yet for some reason it doesn't stop them from wearing socks with sandals).

They claim to have two brothers from Mexico (winky face), though for some reason none of the other states seem to remember them or even know of their existence, and even California themselves haven't seen them in ages anyway. As for the other Pacific States? Oregon and Washington don't hate them, they just tolerate them, and often follow the Golden State around to make sure they don't get themselves into trouble.

Extras (which will update when new headcanons come to mind)

•Their full human name is Angel Sacramento Rivera.
•Physically, they're seventeen years old.
•Them, along with Florida and Texas are actually a trio of best friends. Others have dubbed them the "Troublemaker Trio", though Cali thought that something like the "Badass Trio" would work better.
•Yes, they go by they/them pronouns. Deal with it.

~Mini Story May Come Soon~

Word Count: 234

Coming up soon: Texas

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