chapter 23

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He was going to deal with me when he gets home. His words kept ringing in my ears. I was beyond scared, he was angry at me and him being angry was never good. It was now midnight and he still wasnt back. I was trying to sleep but I couldnt, all I could think about is what he would do to me. He wouldn't hurt me right.

Just as I was starting to fall asleep my phone started ringing. It was laid on my bedside table, I hadnt dared to touch it all day. I peer down and see it was a completely different number to this mornings. I decide to answer it, thinking it might be Elijah on a work phone.
"Ahh so you anwsered" before I could speak he went on "I mean I was quite surprised that you answered but I'm glad I did. I cant wait to have you all to myself again flower,  you will be mine soon" he spoke. I quickly ended the call. I felt like I was going to puke. Then a text came through from him
That wasnt very nice flower, we will have to go over respect again
I gulped, I couldnt bare if he got his hands on me. I would prefer Elijah being angry with me for the rest of my life rather then him. Maybe I should call him. I certainly didnt feel safe with him calling me, Elijah made me feel safe. I took a deep breath and called, hoping he would have calmed down. He answered after the 2nd ring. "I'm busy Avery, go to sleep" he said, his tone filled with annoyance. "I cant, Elijah when are you coming home" I ask. "I dont know Avery, I'm busy. Go to sleep and we will talk tommorow" he spoke although he was cold, his tone has a tiny bit of sincerity in it. "But elijah" I start, about to tell him what had happened but before I could he interrupted me "Avery go to fucking sleep, I'm not a babysitter, I'm working and so god help me if I have to come home" he snapped, his tone was harsh and scary. "Ok goodnight" I quickly end the call. I felt so alone, more than ever. I noticed 5 more texts from him, all where vile and sexual. I  threw my phone across the room, like it was poison. I had to sleep, then it would be tommorow and just maybe Elijah would be in a better mood.

I couldnt sleep, every time I closed my eyes, I was taken back to when he would come into my room at night.
When I did get to sleep however it was nightmares that plagued my mind, waking me up each time.

I snapped at her. I couldnt help it. She had gotten me so angry. Not only that but when one of my men tracked the number, I sent some men to pick him up but they found the phone dropped in a bin. We had no leads and so I was working hard to catch that fucker. Of course my top priority was still keeping Avery safe so I had at least 8 of my men stationed around my building. 3 in the lobby, 2 outside the penthouse itself, 1 in the garage, 1 on the street and 1 positioned on the roof with a good angle on the exit, he was my best sniper and I wasnt taking any chances. I thought it best not to tell Avery as I didnt want her to freak out.

"Boss maybe you should go home and rest" my third, Damon said. I shook my head "no need, I just had a few hours" i say referring to the 3 hour nap i took. We were running tests and without the results there was nothing we could do so i had decided to rest. "What about Avery, wont she be needing you to take her to school" he made a good point but I wasnt ready to see her, I was still angry. "I'll get one of my men to take her" I say, they were already there so it would be no problem. "And you think she will get into a stranger's car, especially after the phone call" another good point.  "Fine" I say and grab my keys.  I was annoyed but I would try be nice to her.

"Avery" I shout as I walk into the apartment.  The men who were positioned well night had gone home to rest, a new bunch were now in position, even more discreet this time as it was the day time. "I'm here" she said coming from her room. I look her up and down, she was a mess, her clothes were creased and her hair in a messy bun, she looked like hadnt slept in weeks. I was concerned and worried but that disappeared when the more sinical part of me made an appearance.  She probably didnt sleep because she had no drugs, shes experiencing withdrawal symptoms
"Have you eaten" I ask and she nods. I couldnt help but get angry as she nodded, she was lying, she broke another rule. "Really" I challenge, she looks unsure of her self but nods. "I don't like liars" I tell her. "Let's go, grab your school things" I tell her. She nods quickly and goes to her room. She comes back out with her bag soon after. "You got your phone" I ask, the fear i saw when i mentioned her phone. "I'll get you a new one today, just go to the office and have them call me if something happens" I say and she nods "thank you"

Nothing was said on the journey to the school. I was still angry but I knew she was still shaken up so I couldnt express it. I also didnt want her to fear me.
"Have a good day" I tell her as I stop the car, she nods and quickly leaves. She barely spoke and I hated it. I watch as she quickly goes up to the entrance of the school, nathan and beth are waiting, when they see her they both hug her. I didnt like how nathan hugged her. Even if it was friendly I still didnt like it.
My phone rang and I picked it up "boss we have a new lead" thank god for that.
"Great, I'll be there soon"

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