Get out

13 1 5

Olivia POV

I didn't realize it was already 5:00. I had been on my phone for at least 1 hour. I started to download the photos on my phone, which took about 15 minutes. Then I send it to Mia and Rachel. They both tag me on Instagram. I post the pictures they took of me. Then I take my shower. After I was done taking my shower I changed into my pajamas. My younger sister is in my room watching TV.

"Why are you in my room," I asked

"Because I can," she said

"Get out!!!!" I yelled. She always in my room.

"Can stay here" She said. I was about to say open my mouth to say no but she said "You have a TV in your room and I don't feel like sitting with mom and dad judging what I am watching"

"Ok whatever, but you need to stop coming into my room," I said. I sit next to her and went on my phone.

After a while, I asked her.

"Tamera, when did you come home," I said

"About 5:44," she said "while you were taking your shower"

"How was school," I said. Her first day of middle school. She had been bugging me about her first day of middle school since she was in 5 grade.

"Good, not what I expected," she said

"Told you that it not going to be fun on the first day of school," I said

"Yea I know," she said with a frown. I wanted to say sorry but I laughed

"Dumb," I said slapping the top of her head.

"Whatever," she said. She got up from the bed and walked to her room.

I hear my phone ring and it is Mia and Rachel trying to facetime. I lay on my bed and I answered

"Heyy," I said

"Did you hear?" Mia said

"Hear what," I said

"Noal commented on my post," Mia said

"Congratulations you are going to get married next" I teased.

"Ha-ha very funny, but he comments a heart emoji," Mia said. "I was screaming"

"This girl," Rachel said

"Don't mind Rachel" I said.

"Anyways, Guess what happened to me," Rachel said

"What happened," I said

"I followed Brandon and he followed me back," Rachel said. Those weird feelings hit me again when she said that.

"Who followed first," said Mia

"I did, " Rachel said

Mia and I laughed.

"Not me thinking he followed you first," Mia said laughing. I laughed with her

"You guys are so annoying," Rachel said

We talked about how fun freshman year is going to be and how long Mia liked Noal. Noal goes to a different school from us but went to the same middle school as us. That's how long Mia liked him. We also talk about how history class is going to be fun because we all have the same class. Kaylee joins the facetime.

"Heyy," Kaylee said

"Heyyy," I said

"What are you guys doing," Kaylee said

"Just talking about school," I said

"Is Amelia with you?" Rachel said

"Nope, I don't know where she is," Kaylee said

"See she never to be found when she is not with us," Rachel said

"She probably busy with some homework," I said

"It was the first day of school there usually never homework," Rachel said

"Well maybe she's just busy, we don't know anything," I said. I don't like when Rachel jumps into things

"Anyways, I heard you bump into someone today Olivia," Kaylee said

"Ugh, does everyone know that," I said? "Yes I did and that was embarrassing, why am I so clumsy"

"Someone told me about it, what happens," Kaylee said

"So after Mia, Rachel, and I got smoothies I wasn't looking where I was walking and I bump into a guy named Brandon," I said

"Did he get mad, people are saying that Brandon handled the problem well and he doesn't handle stuff that good" Kaylee said

"Yes he was nice about it he even offered to buy me another drink," I said

"Well what did you say," Kaylee said

"No," I said

"Why?" Kaylee said

"Because it is rude to say yes when you are the one that accidentally poured the drink all over them," I said

"That makes sense," Kaylee said. "But I would have said yes because it is a free drink"

"Can we talk about something else please?" I said

"Ok sure," Kaylee said with an 'oh he likes you look' that she always does. I roll my eyes.

We talk about what we are going to do when we finish school. I am want to become a professional photographer but I can't because my parents want me to become a doctor. I feel like I am going to kill someone because of how dumb I am or how forgetful I am if I become a doctor.

Mia doesn't know what she wants to be. Rachel wants to become a Youtuber, and Kaylee wants to become a nurse. When I check the time it is already 10:00. We talk for about 5 hours.

"Ok see you guys tomorrow," Kaylee said

"Byeee" Mia, Rachel, and I said. I hang up the phone. I scroll on TikTok for an hour and it is 11:30. I charged my phone, then turned off the light and went to sleep.

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