Chapter 3

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Leo's POV

I don't know how I feel about this, and it's not even the fact that he's a skeleton that worries me the most (it's a close second though)
It's why he's here.

What were the Kraang planning to do with him?

Why is he so important?

'Ugh Leo?' Raph said skeptically 'Pay attention will ya'

'Whaa? Oh yeah' I refocused on the conversation.

Raph Donnie and I were gathered around the kitchen table, discussing the...situation

The skeleton didn't seem dangerous per say in his current state, but what about when he heals? Will he attack us then?

Mikey's attachment to him really makes it difficult, and its no comfort that our brother has a track record for making dangerous friends.

'Well like Mikey said, we can't just leave him with the Kraang' Donnie said thoughtfully rubbing his chin 'we don't know what they plan to do with him-it could lead to another worlds end'

'I know I know' I groaned

We'd been sitting at this table for over an hour speculating why the skeleton was here and what was the best thing to do with him.

So far we had nothing suitable.

I glanced into the TV pit.

Mikey was avidly watching Crognard (still) and 'Sans' was curled up at his side.

'Ok he doesn't seem dangerous, we might as well give him a chance...' I said wearily

'Seriously Leo?!' Raph interrupted 'we can't...'

'You got a better idea?'

Raph closed his mouth looking murderous.

'I'm going to bed' I muttered as I trudged to my room.

I had a lot to think about.


I woke up, dread clutching at my chest.

Not that I could remember why...

Oh shit!

I leapt out of bed and full on sprinted into the living room.

Two figure lay on the couch, one being my brother and the other being (currently) my biggest problem - Sans the skeleton.

Fear drained out of me as though someone had pulled the plug and was replaced with relief.

Mikey was fine, Sans hadn't done anything dumb, yet.
Actually they were kinda cute when they're asleep...

Focus Leo I told myself sternly.

I tiptoed over to the sleeping duo to get a closer look.

The skeleton was muttering something in his sleep.
What's 'Papyrus'?
Doesn't really matter I guess.

Sans POV

I got up to stretch, yawning after my hard day of video gaming with Mikey.

Halfway through stretching my left arm buckled.


I'd forgot about my fractured collar bone.

I've never really had an injury like this for more than a few hours - Papyrus was always there to heal me.
Not only is he really cool he's also really good at healing magic.

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