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Watching the sunset is a funny thing, it's watching the day slowly coming to an end. It's the start of a new day, one that a person could only hope would be filled with excitement and thrills.

Natasha would be happy if her day would even hold a smile. Days bled into useless days and it was starting to become bleaker and bleaker. It was hard to even think about being happy. Her entire world came crashing down within days. But she was trying. She didn't want to fall back into that darkness and self-hate, Sarah never did like it when everyone was sad. 

Perhaps that's why she agreed to see Morgan. She was still bitter towards Thor and Tony, no she was pissed, however, she didn't want James to lose someone important to him because of her own stubbornness. She would let James decide that for himself. 

It was still hard watching Morgan walk up to her house. Visions of Morgan and James walking up the steps to their house flooded her mind, causing her heart to clench. It was hard to see that type of relationship come back.  

"Hi." Morgan said once she reached the porch. Natasha was sitting on the porch swing, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, and a water bottle by her side. Natasha nodded her head at the young girl. Offering her a seat on the chair a few feet away from the swing. 

"Have you ever noticed that concept of time and life is the most untrustworthy thing in the world? You live every day thinking about how great tomorrow will be, about how you'll have all this time to do what you wanted to do, but in reality you don't have all the time in the world. You are entitled to nothing. No one gets more or less time because of what kind of person they are. That's what really makes me angry." 

"I am sorry but I am not following," Morgan admitted. Natasha looked at her and let out a soft sigh. 

"You see, a person can go around, kill a person, but that doesn't mean that their life will be cut short. They have already out lived their victim. They get to keep moving forward, but that person, the life that was lost can't. They can't do a damn thing to change their life." [


"It's laughable really. Thinking that if you're a good person your life could get an extension. A fool filled thought." She sighed. "But those left behind, having to pick up the mess, they have to learn to move on. It's hard. It's so damn hard. Some days feel like stones fill your shoes but you have to keep getting back up. You have to do your very best. If you don't do your best than what's the point?" 

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Morgan asked. 

"I don't want to be angry anymore. I am angry. But i don't want to be. I will reach out to your parents. Sarah wouldn't have wanted me to be angry. I can't be angry and be there for James." 

"Is he awake?" 

"No. Not yet. Doctors are hopeful, should be any day now. You should be there for him." 

"I don't think that is the best idea." 

"You're his best friend Morgan. He's gonna need you." 

"I messed up." 

"You can't tell me that we all haven't messed up." She sighed. "Morgan don't fall into this self hate thing you got going on. Trust me, it never ends up well." 

"I was prepared to come here and fight." Morgan admitted. 

"I'm done fighting." There was an implication was higher, even morgan could see that. She wasn't just talking about fighting with her parents. No, she meant she was done. "When I got this job, this family, my life was better. I intend to keep making it better, but now it's time to let go of the job and focus on the family." 

"Are you both..." 

"I don't know. Steve loves what he does. Even if we are already retired, neither of us could really ever stay still but right now, all i know is that I am done. I can't do this anymore. The price is too high." 

"I was hoping to come here and find peace with myself." 

"Did you not? I have forgiven you have I not?" 

"Maybe. But I guess I haven't forgiven myself." 

"That's a tough one kid. You own self forgiveness goes a long way." The sun started to set behind the houses that surrounded the neighborhood, an orange sky replacing the blue. "You best be going now, Steve should be here soon and I fear that I have to repair another cut on his hand." 

"Is he alright?" 

"Your uncle likes to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders, he some times forgets he's human. But that's why I am here." Natasha looked at the young girl before getting up. Morgan took note of her tired eyes and the bags that have taken up the woman's face. Her once perfect skin, now looked tired and restless. Causing a pit to form in her stomach.  "Good night Morgan." 

"Goodnight. And thankyou." 

"Don't thank me. I have done nothing." And with that the woman went inside. Morgan sat on their porch for a moment longer. She could see why Natasha liked the feeling out here. It was almost like her spirit was being lifted. Even as she walked home she couldn't help be feel the weight of the world being lifted, slowly but steadly. 

When she arrived home, Elliot was still in his room. Morgan hadn't spoke to him since what happened with Sarah. He never came down for dinner, despite his mother's pleads. Most of the time he was at the WIlson's home just sitting with Hugh. Nicole was more of a sister to him than she had been in the last few days. 

"Elliot?" She said softly knocking on his door. 

"Go away." His voice cold, and bitter as a always. 

"Open the door buddy." She said. This path of forgiveness was a painful one, but it was worth it. 

"I am nit you buddy. Don't you have someone else's life to ruin." 

"I just want to talk-" 

"I don't want to talk to you." He said. "Go away." 


"Morgan what are you doing?" Morgan turned around to see Pepper and Tony standing there looking confused. "He's not going to open it." 

"I just want to talk to him." 

"Where did you go today?" Her father asked. 

"I went to see Auntie Nat." Both of them looked shocked but at the same time they had kind of expect that. 

"How did that go?" her mom questioned.  

"Good. I guess." 

"How are they?" Tony asked. 

"Not good. But were we expecting anything else?" Morgan asked. "Natasha looks like she hasn't slept. I didn't see uncle Steve, but Natasah said she had to leave before he got home. She said she'd most likely had to fix his hand." 

"That's what I figured." Tony sighed. The toll was weighing him down. He wanted to help, of course he did they were his friends. But some how he managed to skrew that up, again. Before they could get in another word, Elliot's door was flying open and the young boy ran past all of them. 

"Young man where are you going?" Pepper exclaimed. Elliot ignored them and continued to run down the stairs and out the front door. Morgan's phone began blowing up from all the news sights she follows. The notification made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. 

Son of hereo's Captain America, Steve Rogers, and Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff, was waken up from coma

The media always finds out first. 

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