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"I don't know what you all have been drinking, but whatever it is you should really stop drinking it cause you have all gone off the grid," Nate said as he spun around in Tony's chair in his lab. The group has gotten all of the kids into the lab where Friday was keeping them all aware of any threats that could attack. 

"Yeah, I mean a witch who wants to kill us?" Willa asked. "That's kind of insane, even for you all." 

"It doesn't really matter if you believe us or not," Bucky started. "You aren't leaving this room until this is dealt with." 

"He's right, it's too dangerous," Tony commented. "Now as you all know don't touch any of these buttons especially not this one," He pointed towards a bright blue button. 

"What does it do?" Nate asked. 

"Doesn't matter don't touch it." He said. 

"But what does it do." He tried again. 

"You told him not to touch it, now he wants to touch it, you made a really mad mistake."  Miles said. "Because now, he is most likely going to touch it. If you hadn't said anything he would have had no interest in touching it, I am sure he didn't even notice it before you went and said something about it."

"Yeah, you messed up," Nicole said. "He's gonna touch it." 

"Enough," Natasha said. "Can we trust you all to stay here? None of you are allowed to leave this room." 

"You can't keep us here," Torunn said. "If there is danger out there then we should be the ones to deal with it." 

"No you aren't," Natasha said back. "You are all kids, who barely know what they are doing on a day to day basis." 

"Oh yeah? And how is someone such as yourself supposed to cause any danger to go away? You have no powers, you will fail." 

"I'd be careful," Nicole laughed. "She's probably the most dangerous." 

"Just stay here my daughter," Thor said to Torunn who was frustrated and angry.

"But father I can help-" 

"Torunn. listen to your father," Sif said. "This is not your fight. None of yours." 

"You are all just afraid," James spoke up. "Afraid of what we can actually do out there. We can help! That's why we have these powers, so we can do something, something that actually means something. We can't just sit here doing nothing while you and so many other people are out there fighting the bigger fight, out their scared, dying even! If we have the privilege to do something then we should use it not benching us to the sidelines. We can't sit around doing nothing or we are as bad as the problem at hand." 

"James as much as I love your mini captain America speech, it doesn't change the fact that this enchantress lady wants you all dead, bringing you out there is exactly what she wants. We aren't about to give it to her." Tony said. "Friday we are leaving, make sure none of the kids leave this room." 

"Yes Sir, babysitter protocol activated." 

"Are you serious right now?" Nate asked at hearing the robot's voice. "Please tell me he's not being serious." 

"Oh he's being serious," Clint said. 

"What about Mom? Aunt Pepper?" Nate asked. "They don't have powers where are they?" 

"They are going to be safe somewhere else. We had to make sure to separate you all for safety reasons." Steve answered. "Don't worry they are fine." 

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