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Same day

Steve and Natasha, well mostly Natasha, were having the 'team' run another lap after Nate decided to roll his eyes after Natasha said something. Steve could only give them a pity smile as his wife yelled at them to continue running. 

James didn't feel tired at all, figured it was from the stamina he got from his parents. He did, however, want to talk to Morgan, who had been giving him the stink eye all of the training. So he he slowed down his pace just a little so he could fit Morgan's pace, he was never going to tell her but her pace felt like his walking. 

"Hey Morgan," He smiled kindly at her, 

"What do you want Rogers?" She asked, rather rudely. 

"I um... I" James suddenly lost his train of thought. 

"Spit it out Rogers, I don't have all day," She said, she was breathing rather hard. 

"Are you mad at me?" He asked, "Because I really feel like you are mad at me," 

"What gives you that idea?" She asked. 

"Besides the fact that you are rolling your eyes whenever I speak, you happen to be avoiding eye contact with me, and the glare you gave me when I walked into training was anything but kind." He said. "What did I do?" 

"Why do you care?" She suddenly stopped running, James had to stop as well. 

"I care because you are my friend and you are obviously upset over something." he scratched the back of his neck. "Probably over something that I did." 

"Did you do something I should be upset about?" She questioned. 

"I want to say no, but the sound of your voice is telling me otherwise," he admitted. "Should I apologize?" 

"James if you don't know what you are apologizing for why should I accept your apology." 

"Well if you tell me what I did I could properly apologize," he was about to continue talking when she spoke up and cut him off. 

"Yesterday was important to me James. You knew how freaked out I was about going back to school, we talked about it! You said you were going to be there!" The truth was Morgan had told James about her fears, she felt like she'd accidentally blabber something about what happened and the secrete would be out, or that something would just go completely wrong. She tended to overthink many things but James was always able to calm her down, that's just how their friendship worked. 

"I know, but nothing went wrong!" James pointed out. "You survived the day without me, besides I had plans." 

"Plans? James, we had school!" Morgan yelled. "aren't you the one always telling Nate and Nicole not to do anything stupid like skipping school." 

"Listen Torunn wanted to hang out-" 

"Torunn?" She had already been told he was with Torunn but a part of her just didn't believe it. "you seriously went out with Torunn?" 

"Of course," He said, "Why is that such a problem? She wanted me to show her around town to see what people on Earth did. I took her mini-golfing and then-" 

"Mini Golfing?" She asked. "Wait did you take her to Brookesides?" She asked. 

"What? Of course, it's the only mini-golf place I go to." He laughed as if it was an obvious answer. Morgan was looking at him shocked and angry, she could only shake her head before running off once again. "Wait, Morgan, what did I do?" 

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