"Ah you look sweaty," Lucien said furrowing his eyebrow at his best friend. 

"Yes Lucien and you look," Eris scanned his outfit from head to toe, seeing the dress pants and dress shirt he wore, "like your attending a funeral. Oh please tell me, did Tristen finally fall into the depths of despair of his death," She half joked, but wishing he was dead.    

This made Lucien laugh loudly. Although Lucien and Tristen shared a common foe, there was much history between the two, and that amount of hatred wasn't easy to forgive. As the laughing died down the two began to eat and chit chat. Although they were best friends, it had been almost two years since she had seen her raven haired bff. 

"Lucien, why am I here?" Eris asked more serious than the light hearted topics they had begun talking about. 

Lucien looked at the woman and then at the plate of food he had. With a deep sigh he began to explain, "I need a witch, a powerful one at that." he let out a breath before talking again, as if he was at a lost for words, "There is a war, one between the last remaining sire lines. I need a witch to activate a certain device that will allow me to trap the Mikaelsons into safety from any of those who they've opposed. And as much as I love my partners, I will never trust them as much as I trust you. " Lucien ended his claim, finally making eye contact with Eris who held a monotone face. 

"Why is there a war in the first place Lucien? And who exactly are you working with?" Eris stated simply, gazing at her friend. 

"As you know, after the death of Finn an entire sire line was said to be erased. This was solidified with Kol's death, as many of my friend's had died when he did. The war began as a way to erase an entire sire line full of enemies, thus leaving the more superior line of vampires to exist. And as to who I'm working with, they are people who I don't trust, people who are my last choice, but those of an equal confidant." 

"Why are you all at war, we are one race Lucien, the vampire race." Eris deadpanned. "And if you're so worried about all your enemies, just kill them."

Lucien didn't know how to respond to his friend. She was right, the war was entirely stupid and his motivations as to trapping the Mikalesons were for revenge opposed to the best interest of his sire line. 

"Lucien, I love you. You are my family and you always will be. I will help you with anything you wish to do, but you need to check your ego; your head is entirely up your ass. Niklaus along with Elijah will be very hard to contain, but it is not impossible. And if it's death you and your "partners" are so worried about, get over yourself. You have lived a full life, a long one at that, death is inevitable. It's time you learn that Lu." 

Eris spoke her mind. Lucien loved that about her, her honesty and transparency. She had been like that since she was a child, blunt. She didn't care about people's opinions of her, she was at peace with who she was and what she did with her life. 

Nodding his head with a smile, Lucien was content with his decision to tell her the truth, well the half truth. 

Eris decided to give a gift to the Regent of New Orleans after she finished her breakfast. She was certainly not a New Orleans witch, but she was friends with those who first came from France. She introduced herself to the girl, seeing as she was no more than 18 years old. Davina Claire, that was her name. 

When Kol was reincarnated into a witch body, he contacted Eris through magic. She had been in the depths of New Orleans talking and plotting with her favorite Mikaelson. Once she heard he was in love, she couldn't believe it. She was joyous beyond compare. 

"The infamous Davina Claire I presume," Eris states as she came upon Hayley, a man, and the woman of the hour. The three stared at the brunette as she held an old torn up book. 

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