
You slowed down to see Jungkook in front of you. "Jungkook?" You flinched. "Didn't you leave?"

He didn't respond. "What were you doing?" He interrogated. "Why were you there?"

"The kids were asleep," You replied defensively, and he shook his head. "I don't care about them," he said. "But what were you doing there?"

"I was walking," you said. "Why?"

"Did you go into that shed?"

"No," you stepped away. "I don't understand. Why are you so uptight, Jungkook?" He sighed, "Good."

"Jungkook, you're scaring me," you said. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." And he moved so fast, you almost didn't see him. The world was spinning and out of place and all of the sudden, the sky was the ground and the ground was the sky. Your vision blurred and blackened.


"I didn't realize you were such a heavy sleeper," his voice was soft and smooth, waking you up. You didn't remember the last time someone talked to you like that.


Your eyes flitted open, slowly, and you gasped. You were laying on a soft bed. "Where, where are we?" You asked, curling up into a ball. "You collapsed," he explained. "I had to pick you up, you've been snoozing for quite a while." Your face reddened, "sorry."

He laughed, "it's ok."

You felt like something was wrong. You saw him knock you out, but you didn't know if he really did. Jungkook wouldn't do something like that. Your head ached and you bit your lip in annoyance that you couldn't remember how you got here.

"I must admit," he said. "Watching you sleep is a pleasure. You're so cute."

"Jungkook!" You almost yelled.

"What?" He said. "I was bored. I drew you too, if you want to see."

He led you to his desk. Jungkook was a good artist, you'd known this since you were a kid. "Creep," you smacked him playfully.

"I know," he said, but there was a dark edge to his voice.

"Jungkook?" You asked softly, your lips felt dry. "Can I go get water?" His eyes were unfocused, "sure." You got up slowly, feeling a little woozy. You opened the door and ran down the steps to the kitchen. "Y/n," he called, and you turned around, eyebrow raised. "I, I'll go get it." You frowned, "I've got it, Jungkook." He squeezed your shoulder, almost painfully and you yelped. "I said," he grit his teeth. "I'll get it."

"No, no, no," you said. "I don't want to trouble you."

"For the love of God," he sighed. "Just let me get it." He beat you to the kitchen counter, and you watched him pour a cup of water. "Here," he handed it to you."


Something felt wrong. Why didn't he want you to get up? You thought. You were feeling fine, so you pressed him. "Jungkook," you said softly. "I'm fine, okay? I don't know what happened, but I feel fine."

You realized there were curtains drawn around your bed - but this clearly wasn't a hospital, so as he stood up to bring your cup away, you caught sight of a few pictures glued to the walls. 

They looked familiar, but he had returned before you could clearly tell what was on the pictures. And the suspicious part is how quickly he draws the curtains. "Y/n?" His fingers run through your hair. "You look like you've seen a ghost." 

Your stomach is twisting inside out. "You're back now, aren't you?" The memories were hazy, but you felt like he hadn't been gone for much time at all. "So I should get home!" You smiled uneasily, disguising it with a few giggles. 

But you see an opening in the curtains - more pictures. "Jungkook?" You pull him closer to you. "Can you open the curtains?"

You saw him hesitating, so you move away.

"What?" You asked him, with the perfect amount of innocence in your voice. His eyes were hazy and his face was flushed. You could see the sweat dripping down his face - the unmistakable face of arousal as he slowly opens the curtains in front of you. 

Your throat goes dry when you saw what's inside. Your pictures, plastered on the walls, some of your missing items, even some of your thrown away objects. Then you turned your attention back to him, now standing in a corner, breathing heavily on a a pile of clothes. Your clothes - you can even see your clothes from months and even years ago.

Confusion highlighted your face as you stared at him.

You were scared out of your mind, and silenced with shock. 

"I think we were all born with half of us missing,"  he began. "So when I met you, I knew I had found my other half."

He was insane. And you were nearly hyperventilating as you tried to take in the whole situation.

"Ever since I was a kid, Y/n, I've always loved you."

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