Ch. 23 Falling

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Taylor Swift's POV

As I sat on the plane I couldn't help but mope because I'm going to be fake dating Liam. It's not that I don't like Liam, he is a great lad, it's just that I was secretly hoping it would be Harry.

When I get off of this plane in a couple of minutes, they will be there... waiting for me to arrive. Just like all of my other fake boyfriends... I can't believe people bought this stuff. My songs don't come magically after every "breakup".

I guess I wanted it to be Harry because, well, I would actually enjoy his company. I would actually want to date him. I mean, look at those dimples? Can you not love them?

The worst part of it all would probably be all the hate. I get together with a guy and I get hate. We breakup, I get hate. Hate, hate, and more hate.

"Taylor?" I heard a strong accent behind me.

I didn't realize I had been walking out of the plane. Or that I had my luggage and someone was talking to me at this very moment...

"Oh..." I turned my head, my blonde locks slapping someone in the face. "Oops! Sorry!" I turned back around to face Harry, the one my hair had hit. While I was turning to face Harry, my hair hit another. That boy was Liam.

"UGH! SORRY!" I shouted, causing a lot of attention.

I blushed at the stares and greeted everyone hello. I hugged all of the boys, I might of hugged Harry a little longer, but I stopped at a girl that I have never seen before.

"Um.. I'm Jade" She stated. No smile. No hug. Just a uncomfortable expression plastered on her face.

"Jade is my real girlfriend..." Liam whispered in my ear.

"What a pretty name..." I smiled, reaching out my hand to shake.

She ignored my gesture and Harry pulled her close to him.

"She is my 'girlfriend' " Harry said, putting air quotes around the word girlfriend.

Anger boiled up inside of me. That should be me...

Woah.. calm yourself Taylor, no need for jealousy.

But Haylor would be so cute!

Am I seriously talking to myself...?

"Yes you are..." Jade whispered.

I screamed. "You scared the hell out of me! Don't do that!"

Everyone looked at me like I was insane...

"Um.. lets go now.." I mumbled, stepping away from Jade and closer to Harry.

I walked with them to their strange European car, trying to stay by Harry.

Everything worked out well, Jade and Cher wouldn't stop talking.. but I got to sit by Harry in the car.

"Hello" I smirked and tried my best to give Harry a flirty wave.

He gave me a weird reaction and turned back around to face Jade.

It's going to be hard.. But I'm getting him to like me, no matter what I have to do.


Harry's POV

"So.. Jade, um.. do you want to-" I trailed off, hoping she would like to go out. This is finally my chance to date her...

"No." she snapped, not even looking at me.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair.

"I would like to go somewhere with you!" Taylor cheered, moving closer to me.

"Taylor, I ca-"

Wait... Jade is with Liam. Liam is supposed to be with Taylor. If I am with Taylor enough, Liam will have to spend more time with her... leaving me with Jade. All I have to do is make Jade jealous, then go back to her...

"I'd love to.." I sighed, taking her hand and jumping out of the car.

Taylor gripped on my hand, squeezing it tight. I'm surprised it didn't turn purple. I glanced through the car window to see Jade, then she slammed the door right in my face.

"So.. this is a date?" Taylor smiled from ear to ear, skipping as we walked.

"Uh, sure?" I said, no, asked. I tried to pull out of her grip, but it was too tight.

"Good, because I really wanted to date you. I thought that you didn't like me... or I was too old for you. Maybe you thought my hair was weird.."

Taylor. Just. Shut. Up.

"..And then I saw you and I was like yay. So then I-" she went on, gripping my hand tighter.

This had to end...

I stopped walking and I pushed her against the wall. I pressed my lips against hers and as soon as she quit talking I pulled away.

She stood there with her mouth hanging open, her eyes shinning.

"You're going to catch flies.." I muttered, placing my hand under her jaw and closing it.

She stood still and wouldn't take her eyes off of me. I don't even think she blinked...

"Lets go.." I started walking back to the flat. I shoved my cold hands into my pockets.

"W-W-Where?" she studdered. She barely got up, but she started to trail behind me...

"Where you are staying.." I stated, arriving not long after. We walked up to the walkway with myself in front.

I opened the door and walked in, not even bothering to keep it open for Taylor.

"So, are you my boyfriend now?" she asked, following behind me.

"I don't know?" I said, letting myself fall on the chair.

"We would be a cute couple!" She cheered, sitting on my lap.

I tried to push her off, but she wouldn't budge. I tried again, she still didn't move. She was getting on my last nerve...

"Taylor, I don't like you! I never did! Now please, Go. Away."

Her smile broke and she lifted herself off of me. Tears forming in her eyes as she walked away.


Hey lovebugs :)

I am just warning you, DLMG will be around 30 chapters long... so I should be wrapping up soon! BUT... don't worry :) I will have a sequel!

To prepare for the final chapter, I need lots of votes! OR I might not have a sequel... duh duh dunnn!

So... VOTE! :)

ANDDD comment :) you have no idea how much I love your comments... <3

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