{Chapter 10}

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Akaashi's POV:

Hinata wanted to play hide and seek, although we were already hiding from the others, I guess he didn't see it that way, so now it's a game of hide and seek, and I'm currently trying to find a hiding spot.

As I'm walking around the basement, trying to find a hiding spot, I see something from the corner of my eye, I turn my head to find this small door in the corner of the room hidden behind some boxes, I slowly walk towards it and crouch down, moving the boxes out of the way, I try to open the door but it's stuck.

"want me to try?" I hear Bokuto say from behind me

I turn to face him "sure" I say moving out of the way

He then grabs the door handle with both of his hands and pulls on it with as much strength as he can, causing the door to fly open, making him fall backwards.
"ow" I hear him groan as he lies there on the floor
I look inside the room to see it's pitch black, I let out a sigh as I take my phone out, turning the flashlight on, I point my phone into the room, and I'm surprised to see the room completely empty.

Bokuto sits up, rubbing the back of his head and looks into the room as he speaks "what if we hid in there?" 

I turn my head to face him and I sigh "It's completely empty in there, and I don't want to have to sit on the floor in a pitch black room for who knows how long"

He smiles at me as he walks away, I just stare at him confused, until he comes back with a beanbag chair 
"we can sit on this, and-" he puts the beanbag chair down, walking over to a shelf he grabs a lantern "we can use this" he says smiling.

I sigh as I stare at him, we could hide literally anywhere else except for this completely empty, sketchy room, but this is where he wants to hide, I mean, sure I was the one who noticed it and tried to open the door first, but, I didn't actually plan on hiding in there. 

"soo, do you want to hide in here?" he says excitedly 

I want to say no to him, I want to tell him we can hide somewhere else, anywhere else, but I stop as I see the excited, happy look on his face, he's actually happy about having found this strange empty room, he wants to hide here, and I don't want to be the person to take that happiness away from him, because I know if I say no to hiding there, it will make him sad.
I sigh as I look into the dark, empty room.
"sure, why not" I say.

As he hears me agree to hiding in this room with him, he smiles brightly and hugs me tightly 
"YAY" he says excitedly as he turns the lantern on and drags the beanbag chair into the room.

"I'm going to get some stuff" I say as I walk towards the minifridge.
I open the minifridge and grab some drinks, I look to see if there's anything else in there that I could grab, but I decide there isn't, I close the minifridge and open the cupboard beside it, grabbing a bag of chips and some of Bokuto's favorite candy, I then close the cupboard as I stand up, I turn around, my eyes landing on the freezer, I sigh as I walk over and open the freezer, I look inside at the popsicles and ice cream, not sure what to grab, I stand there trying to decide between the two, and after 30 seconds I decide on the popsicles. 

As I walk back to the small room and Bokuto I see Yamaguchi.
"Hey, Yamaguchi, would you mind helping me with something?" I say as I walk up to him

"hm? no, not at all, what is it?" he says smiling at me

"Bokuto insisted on hiding in this small room, I was wondering if you could move the boxes back in front of the door after we hide in there" I say as I look towards the door

he looks over at the room
"oh, yeah I can do that" he says walking over to the room

I follow behind him, once we get to the room I crouch down and go inside, I turn around and look at him
"thank you" I say with a smile, I'm not really one to smile at people, but, this is different in a way.

he smiles back at me as he closes the door, I can hear as he moves the boxes back in front of the door and walks away.

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