He left.. {Chapter 6}

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Noya's POV:

As Hinata pulls away from the kiss, I couldn't help but smile, but why? what was this feeling?

I look back at him, in shock, my face tomato red.

"H-Hinata..?" I say looking him in the eyes

"I-" he pauses, breaking eye contact as he quickly stands up to get off the Ferris Wheel "I'm so sorry.. I- I shouldn't have done that" he says, tears starting to form in his eyes as he takes off running

"HINATA! WAIT" I yell, running after him

I see Daichi and Suga give me a confused look as I run by them

"HINATA COME BACK" I shout, trying to catch up to him, Daichi now running after me still carrying Suga on his back

The 3 of us run after the ginger, but soon lose him after a few minutes, we continue looking for him for more 10 minutes, but to no avail.

Daichi quickly takes his phone out to text the group chat,

Daichi: Everyone, meet us at the Ferris Wheel as soon as possible, It's an emergency, we'll explain what happened when everyone's here

Tanaka is the first to reply.

Tanaka: what? who's 'us'?

Daichi: Me, Suga and Noya

Yamaguchi: Is everything okay?

Tanaka: yeah, is everyone okay? did someone get hurt or something?

Tsukishima: He said he'd explain what happened when we get there

Yamaguchi: where's Hinata?

Kageyama: wasn't he with you guys? I seen him running towards the Ferris Wheel earlier with Sugawara and Daichi

Sugawara: We'll answer questions when you guys get here, just hurry up.

Kageyama: it's Hinata isn't it? something happened to him

Tanaka: is he okay??

Yamaguchi: is he hurt?

Daichi: Not that we know of.

Kageyama: that dumbass

Sugawara: Kageyama! Watch your language.

Kageyama: sorry mom

Daichi: Get here as soon as you guys can, we can't waste anymore time.

Yamaguchi: yes, okay!

Tsukishima: We'll be there soon

After about 10 minutes everyone's at the Ferris Wheel and the second they see my worried face they know somethings wrong.

"What happened, where's Hinata" Tsukishima asks sounding kind of concerned

"Is he okay, did you call us here because of him?" Yamaguchi adds

"Well.. I'm not 100% sure of what happened, but, him and Noya were on the Ferris Wheel and as soon as he could get off, Hinata ran off, we couldn't catch up to him and eventually lost him, we searched for him for over 10 minutes but couldn't find him" Daichi says as I look down at the ground, tears forming in my eyes, daring to spill over.
'What if he's not okay?'
'What if he's hurt or in danger?'
'What if something happened- or happens'

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