Please don't leave. {Chapter 7}

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Hinata's POV:

I wake up to someone gently shaking me, I slowly open my eyes to look at whoever is shaking me, I turn my head to look beside me to see Sugawara and Daichi
"oh.. *yawns* hi Sugawara.. hi Daichi" I mumble sleepily 

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" Says Sugawara happily

"mhm" I say with a yawn 

"That's good!" Sugawara says awkwardly "Well.. you should get ready, we have school soon!"

"Suga, he literally just woke up, give him a few minutes to wake up" Daichi says, chuckling 

"Ah, yes, sorry- oh, here's some food, you're probably hungry" Sugawara says handing me a meat bun 

"thank you" I say smiling at him as I sit up

After 10-15 minutes, It's about 7:35 am, we're all walking out the hospital doors, well, Sugawara is running for some reason? 
"I got the coach to give us a ride" Sugawara says cheerfully, along with some cheerful smile plastered across his face

"oh, thank you-" I pause "why are you in such a good mood?" I say suspiciously eying him 

Sugawara stops in his tracks "I am?" he says turning towards us, awkwardly playing with his fingers 

"Yeah" me and Daichi say in unison as we get into the back of the coaches car 
"You're acting the way Hinata does" Daichi says
"yeah, but like, x10" I add causing Daichi and I to laugh 

"oh, well, there's no reason" he says, a hint of nervousness in his voice, practically jumping into the front of the coaches car 

me and Daichi look at each other, giving each other a "is he hiding something" look
"do you think he is.. hiding something?" I whisper to Daichi

"I'm not sure, we don't have enough proof to assume that" he says, looking away

"yeah... I guess- if he is though, what do you think it is?" I say looking up at Daichi, causing him to shrug in response 
"do you think he could be dating someone?" I say curiously 

"he never mentioned liking anyone so I doubt it's that" Daichi says, bitterness present in his voice 

"hm, okay.." I say as I look away from him and out the window

"what're you guys whispering about" Sugawara says turning around to face us, causing me to suddenly turn to him "nothing-" I say, getting cut off by the coach saying
"they were talking about you, they think you're hiding something" 

"what? why would you guys think I'm hiding something?" Sugawara says 


"You're just acting really happy and excited today without giving us reason, and when we asked you about it, you acted kind of suspicious" Daichi says looking away from Sugawara

Sugawara doesn't respond and the 4 of us all sit in silence for the rest of the ride.

After 10 minutes, we finally arrive to school
"The 3 of you better not miss practice, Hinata you don't have to do anything because your arm but at least show up, and don't be late for class" The coach says as we all get out of the car
"of course coach" I say shooting him a smile as I run towards the school, Sugawara and Daichi following close behind

"Me and Sugawara have first period off, so we can both go to your first class with you" Daichi says as we walk into the school

"all my teachers gave me the okay to stay with you the entire day, if that's okay with you" Sugawara says smiling at me

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