Chapter Nine: Pulling Temptations

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My legs hurt, my head was pounding and my butt ached from having sat down for so long. The sun had completely gone down, and Jaxon's room was as cold as it was outside. I was shivering and whimpering, but most importantly I was starving and the smell of food, freshly cooked, was drifting into the room causing my stomach to rumble while Jaxon blatantly ignored me. His fingers clearly moved over the sketchpad and he continuously glanced at me when he switched pencils.

I rubbed my arms for a moment and then fixed my position to its original posture. Jaxon glanced at me and sighed loudly, mumbling about me rudely moving. I ignored him for sake of argument but shifted purposely as he looked up at me. He groaned before placing down his sketchpad and walking towards me. I smiled at his frustrated look and watched him walk towards me, his shoulders were slacked and pencil smears were against his cheek. He looked...different.

"Quit moving Avalon," he said as he took my face in his hands and gingerly touched my cheek for a moment. I watched his face as he smiled slightly, just turning up the edges of his mouth, and I smiled back at him. His thumb brushed over my cheekbone and I stilled, cautious of what he was doing, and reading into every movement his body made. "You such an innocent girl, so sweet," he whispered and my smile fell as I listened to the sincerity in his voice. "To good for a guy like me,"

"Jaxon," I whispered and his thumb brushed over my lower lip. My body tingled and I held my breath; it felt wrong that I was leading him on, but I knew that the agreement called for such a close proximity. I always had to watch my cards that I laid down for him to see.

"You could never hurt me," he said simply and I bit my lip. I am hurting you, I thought. I was lying to him and it felt so wrong, I knew he was doing bad things that he broke hearts, but as I stared at him, I almost wanted to back out.

Jaxon leaned closer go me, his thumb against my chin and his blue eyes captivating mine. He wasn't good, he was hurting girls, several girls; he was going to hurt me if given the chance. I needed to take hold of the situation.

"Never," I whispered and let my lips just barely brush his. "You won't hurt me will you, Jaxon?" His eyes closed partially as he pressed his forehead against mine.

"You're too perfect for me to hurt," he whispered and my heart accelerated as I leaned forward to press my lips against his. His hand cupped my face as he kissed me, his lips warm and soft. I let one my hands fall against his chest and the other on his arm. He pulled away for a moment and smiled. "It's like you were made to be the girl I'm supposed to be with."

I let out a low breath as I thought. I needed to be everything Jaxon needed me for and I needed him to believe that I was falling for him hard. "Why me...?" I whispered as he pecked my lips with his.

"Because no girl makes me feel the way you do," he whispered as he pressed his lips against mine, softly and gently. I pulled away first and took a small breath as he stared at me. He leaned forward again his lips grazing mine.

"Jaxon Daniel Rhyker!" Jaxon's mother was banging on the door, and I opened my mouth to scream but Jaxon's lips fell against mine, his eyes wide and his hands holding my face before he pulled away. I sat breathlessly and he stared at me with his finger over his lips.

"What's wrong now mom?" He said as he stood up slowly and backed away from me.

"Your brother better be lying to me," The door to the room opened just as I stood and a beautiful woman stood in the doorway staring at me. Her mouth was set in a grim line and I lost all capabilities to breathe as she stared at me with hard grey eyes. "Jaxon," she said as she looked away from me. "Will you come and talk with me in the kitchen?" She asked and I found the courage to look away from her long enough to see Jaxon.

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