"My stomach." - Freddie whispered, cleaning his mouth with the back of his hand.

"I see." - She sighed.

"I'm sorry." - I mumbled, getting Freddie to take a step back from the vomit at his feet.

"It's alright." - She smiled up at me, throwing a towel on the floor. - "Get him on the stretcher so I can check him up."

I nodded, lifting Freddie and sitting him on the stretcher while he held his stomach with both hands.

The doctor moved in front of my son, touching his stomach softly and asking him where it hurt, then she proceeded to run a couple of tests but at the end everything went good.

It was just something he ate.

She gave him some medicine and recommended Freddie to stay home for a few days and drink a lot of water.
Nothing big.

When we finally got out of the hospital, I could see a running Brianna coming our way.

"Mama!" - Freddie shouted, making a couple of people turn to look at us as he ran to greet his mother.

"Baby, hey." - She smiled down at our son. - "You don't look so good."

"No uh, my tummy hurts." - He repeated. - "And I smell."

"I can see that." - She scrunched her nose as she saw his vomited clothes.

"I didn't have clothes to change him."

Then, she looked up at me with an angry expression.

"You're an awful father. I don't even know why I asked you to pick him up." - She huffed, knelling down and turning his attention to Freddie, talking softly to him.

Niall then, placed a hand on my shoulder, giving me some kind of comfort.

"So, is he leaving with you or is he staying with me tonight?" - I asked her.

"He's coming with me, obviously. But you'll drive us." - She said, stripping Freddie from his clothes and wrapping him on her hoodie. Then, she picked him up in her arms and started walking towards the parking lot, more specifically, towards my car. - "It's the least you can do."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Don't mind her. You're a good father." - Niall whispered in my ear.

"No, she's right." - I shook my head. - "The little boy barely knows my face."

"But you're there for him when it's needed. Just like today. She can't tell you otherwise."

"Whatever." - I sighed, walking towards the car and getting on the driver's seat once and for all.

Brianna sat in the passenger side with Freddie on her lap the whole ride to my ex house.
It was a silent ride and eventually Freddie fell asleep on his mother's arms.

Once I parked in front of the house, I looked back at Niall and made a sign for him to stay there.

"I'm helping them get inside, then you and I are going to get drunk."

"Okay." - Niall shrugged and Brianna laughed, her laughter underlined by an ironic tone.

"Such a good example for your kid, aren't you?"

I didn't answer her, I just opened the door of my car and helped get Freddie out of the car without bumping his head.

Taking him in my arms, I walked towards the door where Brianna was struggling with the keys.

He was still sound asleep in my arms, so without waking him up, I took him to his room, tucking him under the blankets and kissing his tiny hand gently.

"Get better soon, little lad." - I whispered, then left the room.

When I returned to the living room of my old house, I found Brianna staring at the inside of her fridge in search of food.


"What?" - She asked.

"You never told me about family day at Freddie's school."

"You never care about anything of his school." - She said, finally deciding on a bottle of water and closing the fridge.

"Harry said it is tomorrow."

"Harry said." - She mocked. - "Since when do you know who his teacher is?"

"It's my son too, you know? It's logical for me to know his teacher's name."

"Sure." - She snorted.

"Anyways, I want to go."

"To family day?"


"Freddie is sick, dumbass. He won't go."

"Oh, right."

Brianna looked at me suspiciously.

"Why do you want to go all of a sudden?"

"I believe it could be good for us to bond over some activities."

"Us who?"

"You, me, Freddie, who else?"

She frowned and then shook her head.

"I have another shoot tomorrow, I wasn't going to go to family day anyways. So now I need someone to stay with Freddie here during the morning."

"I can stay." - I said.

"What about your beloved office?" - She snorted.

"They'll understand is a family emergency." - I shrugged.

"What's gotten into you, Tomlinson?" - She laughed.

"I don't know." - I shrugged again.

"Fine, come tomorrow morning and you can stay with him until I return."

"Great." - I smiled.

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