Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I'll say!" said Albus "I've got a very big problem here!"

"Well, it can't be as big as mine!" said Lena "The cake person cancelled! He said that he got a call for another wedding and they paid twice the sum we did!"

"Yeah, mine's bigger than that." said Albus.

"I'm not done," said Lena "The flowers were also moved, the band cancelled, the priest can't come so now we have no one to conduct the ceremony, her dress and everything was sent to the the wrong location and it will take another eight hours because there are many things the delivery man has to deliver and I would go get it but I won't make it in time and to top it all off-"

"Scorpius is missing!" Albus exclaimed, cutting Lena.

"That is way worse than all the things on my list." mumbled Lena. She cleared he throat and spoke up "What do you mean he's missing?"

"He's gone!" said Albus. He handed the note which he found. Lena snatched it and she read it. She crumpled the note in her hand out of anger.

"Oh, that little twit better hope I don't find him!" said Lena fuming "Scorpius won't keep his pretty face for long! And I don't care if he's your best friend or anything."

"Forget that!" said Albus "I'm ready to beat the crap out of him!"

"Should we tell Rose?" asked Lena.

"Yeah! We should tell Rose!" said Albus "You tell her. You're her maid of honor."

"You're her brother!"

"Tell me what?" Albus and Lena stiffened at the sound of the voice. They slowly turned around plastered on a smile.

"I'm a very busy person you know!" Rose said "I'd hurry up if I were you."

"The thing is, Rose-"

"Scorpius ran away." said Albus, blurting out the truth.

"Way to soften the blow." said Lena punching Albus in the arm.

"He what?" said Rose angrily and on the brink of tears.

"I'm so sorry, Rose." Lena said hugging her tightly.

"I just can't believe he would do something like that!" Rose said and a single tear, followed by many others, trailed down her cheek.

"He wouldn't," Albus mumbled to himself, realizing something. "He wouldn't!" He said once more out loud "I mean think about it. Who spends six years together only to break up on their wedding day. That's stupid! Scorpius is stupid but he is not that stupid. He's planning something!"

"Are you sure?" asked Lena and Albus nodded "And Albus, I love you but you need to learn simple addition and subtraction. Rose and Scorpius have been together for thirteen years, not six."

"No, he did the math right," said Rose wiping her tears "We broke up at the start of the seventh year and got back together four years ago. So, yeah, six years."

Lena was about to comment when she was interrupted by an owl. It dropped a letter for Albus.

"It's from dad," Albus said recognizing the handwriting "He wants to meet us at Montgomery Hall." All three of them apparated to the location Harry had sent. Everyone was there. All the five hundred people they had invited were there.

"Look there's the cake!" said Lena as they were looking around "Flowers, dress, priest. They are all here!"

"Yes, put the firewhiskey fountain right there." The three of them turned towards the voice and saw that Scorpius was instructing a man to put a fountain right next to food table. Scorpius turned around to see them. "Hey guys!" he said cheerfully.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now