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A/N: Did you really think I was going to let you go without a Scorrose wedding?! Anyway, this chapter is going to be really long because it's THE wedding!!


{13 years later}

ROSE TRIED TAKING A FEW DEEP BREATHS TO TRY AND CALM HERSELF DOWN. She was sitting  in a room in Malfoy Manor, drinking butterbeer and firewhiskey with Lena, Dominique, Lily, and Victoire.

"Can you believe it?" squealed Lily "Rose is getting married!"

"I can't believe it either!" Dominique said with Lily's same excitement "In seven hours you'll be Mrs. Malfoy!"

"Mrs. Granger-Weasley-Malfoy," Rose corrected.

"Your kids are going to hate you because you made them spell that!" said Lena, half laughing.

"There hasn't been this much excitement since Teddy and I got married," Victoire commented.

"You're next, Lena!" exclaimed Lily.

"Ah, I don't know, I me-" Lena was cut-off by the sound of the door knocking. She went to open it and she saw Albus at the door. He greeted her with a long kiss.

"Hello, to you too!" said Lena, turning a little red.

"Yeah, hi, can I come in?" Albus asked.

"Lena, is that Albus?" Rose called out.

"Yeah, it's me." Albus called out. He entered the room and gave Rose a little box wrapped in purple gift wrapping paper. Rose looked at the box with a puzzled expression on her face. She opened the box and found a golden tiara carefully placed on a purple, velvet cushion. She carefully took it out of the box and placed it on her head and gasped as she saw her reflection in the mirror.

"Thanks Albus." said Rose still staring at the tiara.

"Don't thank me, it's a gift from your mum." said Albus "Some heirloom, I think."

"I'll be sure to tha-" Rose was cut of by the sound of the phone ringing. Rose picked it up. No one could hear the other side of the conversation nor could they make out what the conversation was about. Rose only answered with a "yeah" and an occasional "okay". Rose hung up the phone and turned to Albus.

"Uncle Charlie was supposed to pick up the rings but he he ran into some problem." explained Rose "Albus, can you pick up the rings?"

"Yeah, sure, anything." said Albus.

"Oh! Before I forget, could you also give this to Scorpius for me?" asked Rose handing a pink envelope to Albus.

"So happy to see that you think I'm an owl." said Albus rolling his eyes.

"What was the one thing I asked for?" said Rose raising an eyebrow at Albus.

"No snide comments or sarcastic jokes, sorry," said Albus in a monotonous voice "I'll give it". Albus took the envelope from Rose and headed out. Albus approached Scorpius's room only to find the door locked. Albus knocked on the door several times. No response. He pressed his ear against the door and found that there were no voices inside. Albus rammed his shoulder through the door and the door flew opened. The room was empty. Albus found a note on the bed. He picked it up and started to read it. Tell Rose, I'm sorry. I can't do this.

Albus started to panic. Scorpius just left. He left Rose on their wedding. Albus headed to Rose's room when he came across Lena.

"There you are Albus!" exclaimed Lena "This is a disaster! Everything is falling apart!"

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