Dream #5 - Reincarnation

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I had a dream that I died.

I had woken up in an open land with other souls.  This place looked almost like a typical depiction of Heaven. The floors were made of fluffy white clouds, the sky was baby blue, and the sun's rays peaked through when they could. There was an open building, almost similar to the entrance of a brand new parking garage, that contained colorful walls and equipment set up like a maze inside. The best way I could possibly describe it would be as a clown office building with no roof. I walked inside for a bit and was suddenly back outside, and I was approached by a tall, slender, older man with white hair. He explained to me that I was dead and that this was where all souls went. He told me I could either stay and just hang around, or I could fill out some paperwork to be placed in a queue for reincarnation.

To reincarnate, you had to fill out some forms, and then you were placed in a line. When it's your turn, you get to see all of the newborn infants in the world. You get to choose your next life. It felt as if you don’t have a soul as a baby until you get chosen. 

Then the rest of my family started showing up. All I could remember was my mom and my cousin. They were really confused as to where they were.  Then I told them what happened to me, but they didn’t believe me even though I had proof.

I remember saying “why don’t you believe me? I literally have proof. I wouldn’t lie about something like this?

My mom said, “but when you die, you are supposed to either go to Heaven or Hell.”

I was just shocked she wouldn’t believe me. I then went and flew around some places. I was floating over an auto body shop. Then, I was back at the place I started, and everyone was watching souls who were moving on to their next lives.  They walked through a big red tunnel that looked like playground equipment.  Then, when they reached the end of the tunnel, they started to float and were pulled through a giant cone-shaped net that widened at the end and faded into the sky. 

They went through one by one, and there were people watching from stands. It almost looked like the colosseum, or another similar stadium. The stadium was blindingly white.  I was confused the entire time.

The entire dream was like I was watching a movie. I could see myself and my expressions. And at the very end, I distinctly remember looking at the back of my head when watching the souls depart. 

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